# Tmap

**TMap is a commandline / elixir library for transforming map (json) objects**

You can add, rename, remove keys, replace values using regex expressions.

See the source code (sample_rules_tyre.json, lib/plugins/*.ex and test/*exs) files for features.

New features are added as plugins. The available plugins are:

key_add_if.ex          keys_select.ex
key_regex_rename.ex    keys_trim.ex
keys_add.ex            timestamp_keys.ex
keys_case.ex           value_regex_named_captures.ex
keys_delete.ex         values_case.ex
keys_regex_replace.ex  values_regex_replace.ex
keys_rename.ex         values_trim.ex

## Installation

The package is [available in Hex]( and can be installed by adding `tmap` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
	{:tmap, "~> 20.12.25"}

## Usage as library

See test files for usage samples.

## Usage as command line

Remember to built the exe file with


cat myjsonfile.json | tmap --rules-file sample_rules_type.json

tmap --rules-file sample_rules_type.json --input-file myjsonfile.json --output-file newjsonfile.json

cat myjsonfile.json | tmap  --rules '[{"action": "KeysSelect", "keys": ["brand"]}]'