# A simple Todo utiliy for Elixir

<!-- moduledoc start -->

Todo is a small macro that helps you procrastinate more when writing Elixir

Just put todo messages in your code and you will be able to see them all at once
in the command line.

A [mix command](#mix-command) is available to scan all modules for todo items
and print all at once.

defmodule MyApp.MyMod do
  use TODO

  @todo "0.0.1": "Finish that feature later"
  @todo "add @moduledoc"

  def function(data) when is_list(data) do
    todo "0.0.1": "support binary data"

### Installation

Add the dependency in your `mix.exs` file.

  defp deps do
    [{:todo, "~> 1.5"}]

### How to use

Add `@todo` attributes in a module body, or use the `todo` macro inside
functions. Both take the same arguments:

- A simple message. It will be printed as an info and will have no target
  version associated.
- A keyword list with version numbers as keys and messages as values. Messages
  with a version number lower than your current project version (according to
  your mix project file) will be printed as warnings as those features should be
  finished already.

You can set multiple todos at once :

defmodule MyApp.MyMod do
  use TODO

  @todo "0.0.1": "Finish that feature later",
        "0.0.2": "Add this other feature"


### Configuration

Configuration options can be set at module level or at project level. In-module
configuration takes precedence over the global configuration.

# config/dev.exs
config :todo, persist: true

# config/prod.exs
config :todo, persist: false

# mymod.ex
defmodule MyApp.MyMod do
  use TODO, persist: true

### Mix command

This requires `@todo` attributes to be persistent. See the configuration to
enable persistence.

Todos messages printed at compilation time are interleaved with compilation
messages. Hence the color of ouverdue features. The command allows for a simpler
way to read all the messages at once.

Enter `mix todo --all` or `mix todo --overdue` in your console to print all the
todos of the current project at once.

### Configuration

The following configuration options is available :

#### `:print`

This option controls the default output mode of the mix command.

- `:overdue` (default value) : only unversionned and features whose version is
  outdated are shown.
- `:all` show all todos.

#### `:persist`

This option sets the `@todo` module attributes to be persistent. The mix command
shows only persistent attributes. It accepts a boolean value :

- `true` : todos items are persitent, shown with the mix command and accessible
  through the Elixir module API.
- `false` : todos will only be available at compile time.

The default value is `true` so the command works out of the box with all
modules. It should be set to `false` in production environment.

config :todo, persist: false

### Notes

You may want to have a look at [fixme](
too, which inspired this project.