# tomato


Elixir wrapper for the Zomato API

## Installation

First, add `tomato` to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
    {:tomato, "~> 0.1.0"}

Then, update your dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

## Usage

Usage follows the existing Zomato API endpoints.

Parameters for the various `Tomato` functions should be passed as a map (e.g., `%{city_id: 82}`).

`Tomato.geocode/2` and `` are the exceptions:

- `Tomato.geocode/2` receives latitude and longitude, respectively;
- `` receives a restaurant ID.

### Categories

- `GET /categories`

iex> Tomato.categories()
   %Tomato.Category{id: 1, name: "Delivery"},
   %Tomato.Category{id: 2, name: "Dine-out"},
   %Tomato.Category{id: 3, name: "Nightlife"},

### Cities

- `GET /cities`

iex> Tomato.cities(%{q: "Lisbon"})
     country_id: 164,
     country_name: "Portugal",
     id: 82,
     is_state: 0,
     name: "Greater Lisbon",
     state_code: "",
     state_id: 0,
     state_name: ""

### Collections

- `GET /collections`

iex> Tomato.collections(%{city_id: 82})
     description: "The best new places in town",
     id: 29,
     image_url: "",
     res_count: 26,
     share_url: "",
     title: "Newly Opened",
     url: ""

### Cuisines

- `GET /cuisines`

iex> Tomato.cuisines(%{city_id: 82})
   %Tomato.Cuisine{id: 152, name: "African"},
   %Tomato.Cuisine{id: 283, name: "Alentejana"},
   %Tomato.Cuisine{id: 1, name: "American"},

### Establishments

- `GET /establishments`

iex> Tomato.establishments(%{city_id: 82})
   %Tomato.Establishment{id: 241, name: "Snack Bar"},
   %Tomato.Establishment{id: 16, name: "Casual Dining"},
   %Tomato.Establishment{id: 278, name: "Wine Bar"},

### Geocode

- `GET /geocode`

_Note: Geocode is one of the few responses which is not wrapped in a custom entity (unlike, e.g., cuisines, which map to `Tomato.Cuisine`)._

iex> Tomato.geocode(38.733563, -9.144688)
   "link" => "",
   "location" => %{
     "city_id" => 82,
     "city_name" => "Greater Lisbon",
     "country_id" => 164,
     "country_name" => "Portugal",
     "entity_id" => 82041,
     "entity_type" => "subzone",
     "latitude" => "38.7337710000",
     "longitude" => "-9.1448500000",
     "title" => "Saldanha"
   "nearby_restaurants" => [
       "restaurant" => %{

### Restaurant

- `GET /restaurant`

   average_cost_for_two: 30,
   cuisines: "Pizza",
   currency: "€",
   deeplink: "zomato://restaurant/18714697",
   events_url: "",
   featured_image: "",
   has_online_delivery: 0,
   has_table_booking: 0,
   id: "18714697",
   is_delivering_now: 0,
   location: %Tomato.Location{
     address: "Rua do Grémio Lusitano, 13, Bairro Alto, Lisboa",
     city: "Lisboa",
     country_id: 164,
     latitude: "38.7133620825",
     locality: "Bairro Alto",
     longitude: "-9.1440753266",
     zipcode: ""
   menu_url: "",
   name: "Valdo Gatti",
   photos_url: "",
   price_range: 3,
   thumb: "",
   url: "",
   user_rating: %Tomato.Rating{
     aggregate_rating: "4.5",
     rating_color: "3F7E00",
     rating_text: "Excellent",
     votes: "124"

### Search

- `GET /search`

iex>{entity_type: "city", entity_id: 82, start: 0, count: 5, cuisines: "82", sort: "rating", order: "desc"})
     average_cost_for_two: 50,
     cuisines: "Pizza, Italian",
     currency: "€",
     deeplink: "zomato://restaurant/8212322",

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

## License

`tomato` is released under the [MIT License](LICENSE).