
This is a small library which I created to abstract away some common utility
functionality in my projects. It provides some useful tools for working
with various internal data structures. This library was heavily inspired by
[lodash](, but it doesn't try to mimick it. Instead, it
grows on an as-needed basis. Maybe it is of use to you, too.

The docs can be found at [](

Toolbelt extends native Elixir modules with extra functionality. A simple `use
Toolbelt` will make those extra functions accessible, while you can still use
everything just as usual. Some of the functions it provides: `Keyword.is_keyword_element`,
`Map.map_deep`, `Map.map_keys`, `Map.map_values`, `Enum.andmap`, `Enum.ormap`,
`Enum.first`, `Enum.last`, ...

defmodule MyModule do

  use Toolbelt

  def do_something do
    merged = Map.merge_deep(
      %{ a: "hello", b: %{ one: 1, two: 2 }}, 
      %{ b: %{ three: 3 }}
    # result: %{ a: "hello", b: %{ one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 } }
    # built-in functions still work
    merged = Map.put(merged, :c, "world")


## Installation

Just add the following to your `mix.exs`-file:

def deps do
  [{:toolbelt, "~> 0.2.1"}]

## Usage

As has already been stated, just add `use Toolbelt` somewhere within your
module and enjoy the extra functions on `Map`, `List`, `Enum`, and so on.
Alternatively, you can access the modules directly using something like
`Toolbelt.Enum.andmap`. Check out the
[documentation]( for more information.

### All Kinds of Mappers

With Toolbelt, you will have `` and ``. What is the difference?
`` is a generic function that always produces a (keyword) list.  It's
great, but sometimes you want the result to be a Map, just like the input. In
that case, use ``, as it will always produce a map.

```elixir{ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, fn({k,v}) -> {k,v+1} end)
# %{ a: 2, b: 3, c: 4 }

## Contributing

Yes, we very much like your help! Be it a suggestion, feature request, bug
report, or a pull request. The aim of this project is to become a useful
library for many projects, so the more contribute, the more chancer there are
of getting there.

## License

The MIT License