
defmodule Toolshed do
  @moduledoc """
  Making the IEx console friendlier one command at a time

  To use the helpers, run:

      iex> use Toolshed

  Add this to your `.iex.exs` to load automatically.

  The following is a list of helpers:

    * `cat/1`          - print out a file
    * `cmd/1`          - run a system command and print the output
    * `date/0`         - print out the current date and time
    * `dmesg/0`        - print kernel messages (Nerves-only)
    * `exit/0`         - exit out of an IEx session
    * `fw_validate/0`  - marks the current image as valid (check Nerves system if supported)
    * `grep/2`         - print out lines that match a regular expression
    * `hex/1`          - print a number as hex
    * `history/0`      - print out the IEx shell history
    * `httpget/2`      - print or download the results of a HTTP GET request
    * `hostname/0`     - print our hostname
    * `ifconfig/0`     - print info on network interfaces
    * `inspect_bits/1` - pretty print numbers in hex, octal, and binary
    * `load_term!/1`   - load a term that was saved by `save_term!/2`
    * `log_attach/1`   - send log messages to the current group leader
    * `log_detach/0`   - stop sending log messages to the current group leader
    * `lsof/0`         - print out open file handles by OS process
    * `lsmod/0`        - print out what kernel modules have been loaded (Nerves-only)
    * `lsusb/0`        - print info on USB devices
    * `multicast_addresses/0` - print out all multicast addresses
    * `nslookup/1`     - query DNS to find an IP address
    * `ping/2`         - ping a remote host
    * `qr_encode/1`    - create a QR code (requires networking)
    * `reboot/0`       - reboots gracefully (Nerves-only)
    * `reboot!/0`      - reboots immediately  (Nerves-only)
    * `save_value/3`   - save a value to a file as Elixir terms (uses inspect)
    * `save_term!/2`   - save a term as a binary
    * `top/2`          - list out the top processes
    * `tcping/2`       - check if a host can be reached (like ping, but uses TCP)
    * `tree/1`         - pretty print a directory tree
    * `uptime/0`       - print out the current Erlang VM uptime
    * `uname/0`        - print information about the running system (Nerves-only)
    * `weather/0`      - get the local weather (requires networking)

  require Toolshed.OneBeam, as: OneBeam


  defmacro __using__(_) do
    quote do
      import Toolshed

      # If module docs have been stripped, then don't tell the user that they can
      # see them.
      help_text =
        case Code.fetch_docs(Toolshed) do
          {:error, _anything} -> ""
          _ -> " Run h(Toolshed) for more info."

        IO.ANSI.color(:rand.uniform(231) + 1),
        " imported.",

  # Recompilation logic
  paths = Path.wildcard("lib_src/**/*.ex")
  @paths_hash paths |>!/1) |> :erlang.md5()

  @doc false
  @spec __mix_recompile__?() :: boolean()
  def __mix_recompile__?() do
    Path.wildcard("lib_src/**/*.ex") |>!/1) |> :erlang.md5() != @paths_hash