# totally
totally (TOTP+ally) is a TOTP (Time-based One-Time Password) library for Gleam (Erlang & Javascript(Node) targets).
Implements the [TOTP RFC6238](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6238)
Inspired by [NimbleTOTP](https://github.com/dashbitco/nimble_totp) and [OTPAuth](https://github.com/hectorm/otpauth)
## Installation
gleam add totally
## Basic Usage
import totally
pub fn main() {
// Create user secret. This should be stored securely.
let secret = totally.secret()
// Generate an OTP auth URI. Display this as a QR code to the user.
totally.otpauth_uri(secret, issuer: "totally", account: "joe")
// => "otpauth://totp/totally:joe?secret=JKVVN7MCLQ4OJFTNCZUGAESASCDAJII2&issuer=totally&algorithm=SHA1&digits=6&period=30"
// Generate a TOTP if you need to send it to the user via another channel
// => OTP("492755")
let user_input = "492755"
// Verify a TOTP
totally.verify(secret, user_input)
// => true
## Advanced Usage
import totally
pub fn main() {
let secret = totally.secret()
// Using the builder pattern
let config =
|> totally.set_secret(secret)
|> totally.set_time_now
|> totally.set_issuer("totally")
|> totally.set_account("joe")
// or the TOTPConfig type directly
let config =
secret: secret,
time: 1_723_813_617,
algorithm: totally.SHA1,
digits: 6,
period: 30,
issuer: "totally",
account: "joe",
let user_input = "492755"
totally.verify_from_config(config, user_input)
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/totally>.
## Development
gleam test # Run the tests