# TpLink

[![Package](]( [![Documentation](](

Client library for interacting with Kasa/TP-Link smart home devices via either or
directly over the local network (no Internet connection required).

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `tp_link` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:tp_link, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage

### Cloud

Create a session by calling [`TpLink.Cloud.login`](

{:ok, session} = TpLink.Cloud.login("", "password")

To list devices, call [`TpLink.Cloud.list_devices`](

{:ok, devices} = TpLink.Cloud.list_devices(session)

Using the `device_id` returned by the previous call, you can turn on a smart switch by calling:

|> TpLink.cloud_device("800626A81D45A54544ADE5222EB50BF11BB7CBE3")
|> TpLink.Type.Plug.set_relay_state(true)

### Local network

To list devices on the local network, call [`TpLink.Local.list_devices`]( There is no need to authenticate because TP-Link devices are not secure on the local network:

{:ok, devices} = TpLink.Local.list_devices()

Using the IP address or hostname of the device, you can turn on a smart switch by calling:

TpLink.local_device({192, 168, 0, 3})
|> TpLink.Type.Plug.set_relay_state(true)