# Tradehub

Welcome to the Tradehub API Elixir project. The goal of this project is to empower other developers and end users by offering a Elixir client that is able to interact with all aspects of the Tradehub blockchain and DEMEX decentralized exchange via its REST/WS endpoints.

**NOTE**: This module is under development and may change drastically from each update. It is recommended to develop on Testnet first.

Head over to [Tradehub Faucet]( get receive free TestNet tokens.

> The code found in this repository is unaudited and incomplete. Switcheo is not responsible for any losses incurred when using this code.

## Features

* [ ] Implementation of all general information endpoints
  * [x] Public endpoints
  * [ ] Private endpoints
    * [ ] Authentication
    * [ ] Create order
    * [ ] Cancel order
    * [ ] Cancel all orders
    * [ ] Change leverage
    * [ ] Change position margin
    * [ ] Send tokens
    * [ ] Withdraw tokens
    * [ ] Edit profile
  * [ ] Websocket