defmodule Trans.Translator do
@moduledoc """
Provides easy access to struct translations.
Although translations are stored in regular fields of an struct and can be accessed directly, **it
is recommended to access translations using the functions provided by this module** instead. This
functions present additional behaviours such as:
* Checking that the given struct uses `Trans`
* Automatically inferring the [translation container](Trans.html#module-translation-container)
when needed.
* Falling back along a locale fallback chain (list of locales in which to look for
a translation). If not found, then return the default value or raise and exception if a
translation does not exist.
* Translating entire structs.
All examples in this module assume the following article, based on the schema defined in
[Structured translations](Trans.html#module-structured-translations)
article = %MyApp.Article{
title: "How to Write a Spelling Corrector",
body: "A wonderful article by Peter Norvig",
translations: %MyApp.Article.Translations{
es: %MyApp.Article.Translations.Fields{
title: "Cómo escribir un corrector ortográfico",
body: "Un artículo maravilloso de Peter Norvig"
fr: %MyApp.Article.Translations.Fields{
title: "Comment écrire un correcteur orthographique",
body: "Un merveilleux article de Peter Norvig"
defguardp is_locale(locale) when is_binary(locale) or is_atom(locale)
@doc """
Translate a whole struct into the given locale.
Translates the whole struct with all translatable values and translatable associations into the
given locale. Similar to `translate/3` but returns the whole struct.
## Examples
Assuming the example article in this module, we can translate the entire struct into Spanish:
# Translate the entire article into Spanish
article_es = Trans.Translator.translate(article, :es)
article_es.title #=> "Cómo escribir un corrector ortográfico"
article_es.body #=> "Un artículo maravilloso de Peter Norvig"
Just like `translate/3`, falls back to the default locale if the translation does not exist:
# The Deutsch translation does not exist so the default values are returned
article_de = Trans.Translator.translate(article, :de)
article_de.title #=> "How to Write a Spelling Corrector"
article_de.body #=> "A wonderful article by Peter Norvig"
Rather than just one locale, a list of locales (a locale fallback chain) can also be
used. In this case, translation tries each locale in the fallback chain in sequence
until a translation is found. If none is found, the default value is returned.
# The Deutsch translation does not exist but the Spanish one does
article_de = Trans.Translator.translate(article, [:de, :es])
article_de.title #=> "Cómo escribir un corrector ortográfico"
article_de.body #=> "Un artículo maravilloso de Peter Norvig"
@doc since: "2.3.0"
@spec translate(Trans.translatable(), Trans.locale_list()) :: Trans.translatable()
def translate(%{__struct__: module} = translatable, locale)
when is_locale(locale) or is_list(locale) do
if Keyword.has_key?(module.__info__(:functions), :__trans__) do
default_locale = module.__trans__(:default_locale)
|> translate_fields(locale, default_locale)
|> translate_assocs(locale)
@doc """
Translate a single field into the given locale.
Translates the field into the given locale or falls back to the default value if there is no
translation available.
## Examples
Assuming the example article in this module:
# We can get the Spanish title:
Trans.Translator.translate(article, :title, :es)
"Cómo escribir un corrector ortográfico"
# If the requested locale is not available, the default value will be returned:
Trans.Translator.translate(article, :title, :de)
"How to Write a Spelling Corrector"
# A fallback chain can also be used:
Trans.Translator.translate(article, :title, [:de, :es])
"Cómo escribir un corrector ortográfico"
# If we request a translation for an invalid field, we will receive an error:
Trans.Translator.translate(article, :fake_attr, :es)
** (RuntimeError) 'Article' module must declare 'fake_attr' as translatable
@spec translate(Trans.translatable(), atom, Trans.locale_list()) :: any
def translate(%{__struct__: module} = translatable, field, locale)
when (is_locale(locale) or is_list(locale)) and is_atom(field) do
default_locale = module.__trans__(:default_locale)
unless Trans.translatable?(translatable, field) do
raise not_translatable_error(module, field)
# Return the translation or fall back to the default value
case translate_field(translatable, locale, field, default_locale) do
:error -> Map.fetch!(translatable, field)
nil -> Map.fetch!(translatable, field)
translation -> translation
@doc """
Translate a single field into the given locale or raise if there is no translation.
Just like `translate/3` gets a translated field into the given locale. Raises if there is no
translation available.
## Examples
Assuming the example article in this module:
Trans.Translator.translate!(article, :title, :de)
** (RuntimeError) translation doesn't exist for field ':title' in locale 'de'
@doc since: "2.3.0"
@spec translate!(Trans.translatable(), atom, Trans.locale_list()) :: any
def translate!(%{__struct__: module} = translatable, field, locale)
when is_locale(locale) and is_atom(field) do
default_locale = module.__trans__(:default_locale)
unless Trans.translatable?(translatable, field) do
raise not_translatable_error(module, field)
# Return the translation or fall back to the default value
if translation = translate_field(translatable, locale, field, default_locale) do
raise no_translation_error(field, locale)
defp translate_field(%{__struct__: _module} = struct, locales, field, default_locale)
when is_list(locales) do
Enum.reduce_while(locales, :error, fn locale, translated_field ->
case translate_field(struct, locale, field, default_locale) do
:error -> {:cont, translated_field}
nil -> {:cont, translated_field}
translation -> {:halt, translation}
defp translate_field(%{__struct__: _module} = struct, default_locale, field, default_locale) do
Map.fetch!(struct, field)
defp translate_field(%{__struct__: module} = struct, locale, field, _default_locale) do
with {:ok, all_translations} <- Map.fetch(struct, module.__trans__(:container)),
{:ok, translations_for_locale} <- get_translations_for_locale(all_translations, locale),
{:ok, translated_field} <- get_translated_field(translations_for_locale, field) do
defp translate_fields(%{__struct__: module} = struct, locale, default_locale)
when is_list(locale) do
fields = module.__trans__(:fields)
Enum.reduce(fields, struct, fn field, struct ->
case translate_field(struct, locale, field, default_locale) do
:error -> struct
translation -> Map.put(struct, field, translation)
defp translate_fields(%{__struct__: _module} = struct, locale, default_locale) do
translate_fields(struct, [locale], default_locale)
defp translate_assocs(%{__struct__: module} = struct, locale) do
associations = module.__schema__(:associations)
embeds = module.__schema__(:embeds)
Enum.reduce(associations ++ embeds, struct, fn assoc_name, struct ->
Map.update(struct, assoc_name, nil, fn
%Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{} = item ->
items when is_list(items) ->, &translate(&1, locale))
%{} = item ->
translate(item, locale)
item ->
# check if struct (means it's using ecto embeds); if so, make sure 'locale' is also atom
defp get_translations_for_locale(%{__struct__: _} = all_translations, locale)
when is_binary(locale) do
get_translations_for_locale(all_translations, String.to_existing_atom(locale))
defp get_translations_for_locale(%{__struct__: _} = all_translations, locale)
when is_atom(locale) do
Map.fetch(all_translations, locale)
# fallback to default behaviour
defp get_translations_for_locale(nil, _locale), do: nil
defp get_translations_for_locale(all_translations, locale) do
Map.fetch(all_translations, to_string(locale))
# there are no translations for this locale embed
defp get_translated_field(nil, _field), do: nil
# check if struct (means it's using ecto embeds); if so, make sure 'field' is also atom
defp get_translated_field(%{__struct__: _} = translations_for_locale, field)
when is_binary(field) do
get_translated_field(translations_for_locale, String.to_existing_atom(field))
defp get_translated_field(%{__struct__: _} = translations_for_locale, field)
when is_atom(field) do
Map.fetch(translations_for_locale, field)
# fallback to default behaviour
defp get_translated_field(translations_for_locale, field) do
Map.fetch(translations_for_locale, to_string(field))
defp no_translation_error(field, locales) when is_list(locales) do
"translation doesn't exist for field '#{inspect(field)}' in locales #{inspect(locales)}"
defp no_translation_error(field, locale) do
"translation doesn't exist for field '#{inspect(field)}' in locale #{inspect(locale)}"
defp not_translatable_error(module, field) do
"'#{inspect(module)}' module must declare '#{inspect(field)}' as translatable"