# travis.ex
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/localytics/travis.ex.svg?token=kQUiABmGkzyHdJdMnCnv&branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/localytics/travis.ex)
Simple Elixir wrapper for the Travis API.
## Quickstart
First, add `travis` to your `mix.exs` dependencies:
def deps do
[{:travis, "~> 0.0.1"}]
Ensure that `travis` is added as an application in your `mix.exs`:
def application do
[applications: [:travis]]
Fetching dependencies and running on elixir console:
mix deps.get
iex -S mix
## Examples
Every call to Travis needs a client. It can optionally have a travis token associated with it, which is necessary for
private repositories. If you don't provide one a client is created. Below are some examples:
*Describe a public repo*
iex> Travis.Repos.show("elixir-lang", "elixir")
%{"repo" => %{...}}
*Describe a private repo*
iex> client = Travis.Client.new(token)
%Travis.Client{endpoint: "https://api.travis-ci.com/",
token: "..."}
iex> Travis.Repos.show("localytics", "travis.ex", client)
%{"repo" => %{...}}
*List builds for a repo*
iex> Travis.Repos.Builds.list("elixir-lang", "elixir")
%{"builds" => [...]}
## Contributing
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/localytics/travis.ex.