# ๐ณ Tree Weaver
A lightning-fast, cross-platform file structure generator written in Erlang. Tree Weaver enables you to easily define and create directory structures using simple tree-like text files.

## ๐ Table of Contents
- [Overview](#-overview)
- [Features](#-features)
- [Installation](#-installation)
- [Usage](#-usage)
- [Examples](#-examples)
- [File Format](#-file-format)
- [Command Line Options](#-command-line-options)
- [Development](#-development)
- [Testing](#-testing)
- [Contributing](#-contributing)
- [License](#-license)
## ๐ Overview
Tree Weaver transforms text-based tree representations into actual directory structures. It's perfect for:
- Quickly scaffolding new projects
- Creating consistent file structures across teams
- Documenting and implementing project architectures
- Setting up development, testing, and CI environments
## โจ Features
- **Simple Syntax**: Uses familiar tree-like text format
- **Cross-Platform**: Works on Linux, macOS, and Windows
- **Lightning Fast**: Written in Erlang for optimal performance
- **Flexible**: Support for comments and various formatting options
- **Dry Run Mode**: Preview changes before creating files
- **Custom Destinations**: Specify output locations
- **Intelligent Scaffolding**: (Coming soon) AI-powered project templates
## ๐ Installation
### Prerequisites
- Erlang/OTP 25 or newer
- Rebar3 (Erlang build tool)
### Installing Erlang
#### macOS (Homebrew)
brew update
brew install erlang
#### Ubuntu/Debian
# Add Erlang Solutions repository
wget https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang-solutions_2.0_all.deb
sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_2.0_all.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install esl-erlang
#### Windows
1. Download from [Official Erlang Website](https://www.erlang.org/downloads)
2. Run the installer
3. Add Erlang to system PATH
### Using Prebuilt Binaries
Download the latest release from our [GitHub Releases page](https://github.com/zackkitzmiller/tree-weaver/releases).
### Building from Source
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/zackkitzmiller/tree-weaver.git
cd tree-weaver
# If you have 'just' installed (recommended)
just setup
just build
# Or using rebar3 directly
rebar3 compile
rebar3 escriptize
The executable will be available at `_build/default/bin/tree-weaver`.
## ๐ฌ Usage
# Basic usage with a tree file
tree-weaver project.tree
# Dry run (preview without creating files)
tree-weaver --dry-run project.tree
# Custom destination
tree-weaver --dest /path/to/destination project.tree
# Use current directory as root (skips creating the root directory)
tree-weaver --dest . project.tree
# Display help
## ๐ Examples
### Simple Project Structure
Create a file `simple-project.tree`:
|-- src/
| |-- main.erl
|-- test/
| |-- main_tests.erl
|-- README.md
tree-weaver simple-project.tree
This creates:
โโโ src/
โ โโโ main.erl
โโโ test/
โ โโโ main_tests.erl
โโโ README.md
### Complex Web Application
See the `feelsbank.tree` example in the repository for a complex Go web application structure.
## ๐ File Format
Tree Weaver uses a simple text format to represent directory structures:
1. First line: Root directory name
2. Subsequent lines: Directory structure with indentation
3. Lines ending with `/`: Directories
4. Lines without `/`: Files
5. Comments: Use `# Comment text` anywhere in a line
Example with comments:
my-project/ # Root directory
|-- src/ # Source code
| |-- main.erl # Main entry point
|-- README.md # Documentation
### Indentation Rules
- Use `|--` to indicate items
- Use `| |--` or multiple spaces for nested items
- Consistent indentation is recommended but not strictly required
## ๐ง Command Line Options
Tree Weaver supports the following command line options:
| Option | Description |
| `--dry-run` | Show what would be created without making changes |
| `--dest PATH` | Specify destination path (default: current directory) |
| `--dest .` | Use current directory as root (skip creating root directory) |
## ๐ป Development
### Using Just
We recommend using [Just](https://github.com/casey/just) for common development tasks:
# Setup development environment
just setup
# Compile
just compile
# Run tests
just test
# Create executable
just build
# Create sample and run with it
just demo
### Manual Development
If you prefer not to use Just:
# Compile the project
rebar3 compile
# Run tests
rebar3 eunit
# Create executable
rebar3 escriptize
# Start dev shell
rebar3 shell
## ๐งช Testing
Run the test suite:
just test
# or
rebar3 eunit
To run a specific test:
just test-one tree_weaver_tests
# or
rebar3 eunit --module=tree_weaver_tests
## ๐ค Contributing
We welcome contributions! See [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details.
Quick steps:
1. Fork the repository
2. Create a feature branch
3. Make your changes
4. Add or update tests
5. Submit a pull request
Please follow the [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md).
## ๐ License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.
## ๐ Acknowledgements
- The Erlang community
- All contributors and supporters
Built with โค๏ธ by [Zack Kitzmiller](https://github.com/zackkitzmiller)# Tree Weaver