# trellis

A simple Gleam library for pretty printing tabular data!

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gleam add trellis@1
import trellis

pub fn main() {
  let names = ["Michael", "Vitor", "Ellen"]

  let data = {
    use _ <-, 10))

    let assert Ok(name) = names |> list.shuffle |> list.first
    let age = int.random(80)
    let happy = int.random(2) |> int.is_even

    Row(name:, age:, happy:)

  |> trellis.with("name", Left, {
    use Row(name:, age: _, happy: _) <- trellis.param
  |> trellis.with("the person's age", Center, {
    use Row(name: _, age:, happy: _) <- trellis.param
    age |> int.to_string
  |> trellis.with("senior", Right, {
    use Row(name: _, age:, happy: _) <- trellis.param
    { age >= 65 } |> bool.to_string
  |> trellis.with("happy", Right, {
    use Row(name: _, age: _, happy:) <- trellis.param
    case happy {
      True -> "Happy"
      False -> "Not Happy"
  |> trellis.to_string
  |> io.println

The output looks like:
<pre><code style="font-family: monospace;" class="language-plaintext">
│   name    │ the person's age │ senior │   happy   │
│ Michael   │        16        │  False │ Not Happy │
│ Vitor     │        54        │  False │     Happy │
│ Ellen     │        63        │  False │ Not Happy │
│ Ellen     │        19        │  False │ Not Happy │
│ Vitor     │        28        │  False │     Happy │
│ Michael   │        59        │  False │ Not Happy │
│ Ellen     │        60        │  False │     Happy │
│ Vitor     │        60        │  False │ Not Happy │
│ Michael   │        74        │   True │     Happy │
│ Vitor     │        12        │  False │     Happy │
│ Ellen     │        16        │  False │     Happy │

Further documentation can be found at <>.

## Development

nix develop # start dev shell
gleam run   # Run the project
gleam test  # Run the tests