# Trilean

An implementation of the K3+ [three-valued logic]( The third value in this library is `Trilean.maybe()` This is an extension of Kleene's strong logic of indeterminacy.

Three value logics allow reasoning in face of uncertainty. For example

iex> will_a_sea_battle_be_fought_tomorrow = Trilean.maybe()
...> nice_day_tomorrow = true
...> _should_i_pack_a_picnic = (
...>   will_a_sea_battle_be_fought_tomorrow
...>   |> Trilean.and(nice_day_tomorrow)
...>   |> Trilean.possible?()
...> )
I should pack a picnic because it will be a nice day and there could be a spectacle to watch. (The sea battle problem is Aristotle's formulation of the [contingent futures problem]( on which three value logics can shed some light.)

iex> will_a_sea_battle_be_fought_tomorrow = Trilean.maybe()
...> nice_day_tomorrow = false
...> _should_i_pack_a_picnic = (
...>   will_a_sea_battle_be_fought_tomorrow
...>   |> Trilean.and(nice_day_tomorrow)
...>   |> Trilean.possible?()
...> )
I should not pack a picnic even though there could be a spectacle because it will be a crummy day.

All expressions evaluate the same as they would in normal boolean logic if their inputs are true or false. If, however, one or more of the inputs is `:maybe` then the output may become indeterminate. For example:

iex> Trilean.and(true, true)
iex> Trilean.and(true, false)
iex> Trilean.and(true, Trilean.maybe())

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `trilean` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:trilean, "~> 0.1.0"}

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