# TrustedProxyRewriter
An Elixir plug to rewrite the value of **remote_ip** key of [Plug.Conn](https://hexdocs.pm/plug/Plug.Conn.html) struct if the request comes from a trusted proxy.
It expects the header to contain only one ip address.
## Installation
1. Add the plug to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:trusted_proxy_rewriter, "~> 0.0.5"}
2. If you are using [Phoenix Framework](http://www.phoenixframework.org/) then put the plug in your application's endpoint `lib\your_app\endpoint.ex`:
defmodule YourApp.Endpoint do
plug TrustedProxyRewriter, proxies: [{192, 168, 0, 1}], header: "x-real-ip"
plug YourApp.Router
3. Configuration:
:proxies - list of trusted proxies
:header - name of the header with ip address
By default no proxy is trusted and the default header is x-real-ip
Based on https://github.com/krzysztofmo/remote-ip-rewriter