# chatterbox #

Chatterbox is an HTTP/2 library for Erlang. Use as much of it as you
want, but the goal is to implement as much of
[RFC-7540]( as possible, 100% of
the time.

It already pulls in
[joedevivo/hpack]( for the
implementation of [RFC-7541](

## Rebar3

Chatterbox is a `rebar3` jam. Get into it!

## HTTP/2 Connections

Chatterbox provides a module `h2_connection` which models (you
guessed it!) an HTTP/2 connection. This gen_statem can represent either
side of an HTTP/2 connection (i.e. a client *or* server). Really, the
only difference is in how you start the connection.

### Server Side Connections

A server side connection can be started with
[ninenines/ranch]( using the
included `chatterbox_ranch_protocol` like this:


%% Set up the socket options:
Options = [
        {port, 8080},
        %% you can find certs to play with in ./config
        {certfile,   "localhost.crt"},
        {keyfile,    "localhost.key"},
        {honor_cipher_order, false},
        {versions, ['tlsv1.2']},
        {next_protocols_advertised, [<<"h2">>]}

%% You'll also have to set the content root for the chatterbox static
%% content handler

RootDir = "/path/to/content",


        [{root_dir, RootDir}]),

{ok, _RanchPid} =


You can do this in a `rebar3 shell` or in your application.

You don't have to use ranch. You can use see chatterbox_sup for an

### Serving up the EUC 2015 Deck

clone chatterbox and [euc2015](

then set the `RootDir` above to the checkout of euc2015.

Then it should be as easy as pointing Firefox to

### Client Side Connections

We'll start up h2_connection a little
differently. `h2_client:start_link/*` will take care of the

Here's how to use it!

{ok, Pid} = h2_client:start_link(),

RequestHeaders = [
           {<<":method">>, <<"GET">>},
           {<<":path">>, <<"/index.html">>},
           {<<":scheme">>, <<"http">>},
           {<<":authority">>, <<"localhost:8080">>},
           {<<"accept">>, <<"*/*">>},
           {<<"accept-encoding">>, <<"gzip, deflate">>},
           {<<"user-agent">>, <<"chatterbox-client/0.0.1">>}

RequestBody = <<>>,

{ok, {ResponseHeaders, ResponseBody, ResponseTrailers}}
    = h2_client:sync_request(Pid, RequestHeaders, RequestBody).

But wait! There's more. If you want to be smart about multiplexing,
you can make an async request on a stream like this!

``` erlang
{ok, StreamId} = h2_client:send_request(Pid, RequestHeaders, <<>>).

Now you can just hang around and wait. I'm pretty sure (read:
UNTESTED) that you'll have a process message like `{'END_STREAM',
StreamId}` waiting for you in your process mailbox, since that's how
`sync_request/3` works, and they use mostly the same codepath.

So you can use a receive block, like this

    {'END_STREAM', StreamId} ->
        {ok, {ResponseHeaders, ResponseBody, ResponseTrailers}} = h2_client:get_response(Pid, StreamId)

Or you can manually check for a response by calling

h2_client:get_response(Pid, StreamId),

which will return an `{error, stream_not_finished}` if
it's... well... not finished.

There still needs to be some way of detecting that a promise has been
pushed from the server, either actively or passively. In theory, if
you knew the `StreamId`, you could check for a response on that stream
and it would be there.

## Author(s) ##

* Joe DeVivo

## Copyright ##

Copyright (c) 2015,16 Joe DeVivo, dat MIT License tho.