# Turbo Ecto

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Turbo is a very rich ecto component,including search sort and paginate. Inspiration by ruby [ransack]( and learn from [rummage_ecto](

Phoenix support `turbo_html`, check [this]( repos.

## Table of contents

* [Getting started](#getting-started)
* [Examples](#examples)
* [Search Matchers](#search-matchers)
* [Features](#features)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [Make a pull request](#make-a-pull-request)
* [License](#license)
* [Credits](#credits)

## Getting started

* The package can be installed by adding `turbo_ecto` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:turbo_ecto, "~> 1.0.1"}

* Add the Repo of your app and the desired per_page to the `turbo_ecto` configuration in `config.exs`:

config :turbo_ecto, Turbo.Ecto,
  repo: MyApp.Repo,
  per_page: 10

You can also define other configurations with `entry_name` and `pagenate_name` in `config.exs`.

## Examples

* Category Table Structure

    |  Field | Type | Comment |
    | ------------- | ------------- | --------- |
    | `name`  | string  |  |

* Post Table Structure

    |  Field | Type | Comment |
    | ------------- | ------------- | --------- |
    | `name`  | string  |  |
    | `body` | text |  |
    | `price` | float |  |
    | `category_id` | integer | |
    | `available` | boolean |  |


  iex> params = %{"q" => %{"name_and_category_name_like" => "elixir"}, "s" => "inserted_at+asc", "page" = 0, "per_page" => 20}
  iex> Turbo.Ecto.turbo(Turbo.Ecto.Schemas.Post, params)
    datas: [%Turbo.Ecto.Schemas.Post{}],
    paginate: %{
      current_page: 10,
      next_page: 11,
      per_page: 20,
      prev_page: 9,
      total_count: 100,
      total_pages: 20

### The 2 more commonly used api are as follows:

#### `Turbo.Ecto.turbo(queryable, params, opts \\ [])`

* 1 queryable: receives a schema object or an Ecto.Query.t() object

* 2 params: supports 4 parameters.
  - `q` or `filter` to receive pattern matching information, e.g. ```params = %{"q" ⇒ %{"name_like" ⇒ "elixir"}}``` or ```params = %{"filter" ⇒ %{"name_like" ⇒ "elixir"}```
  - `s` or `sort` Receive sort information. e.g. ```params = %{"sort" ⇒ "position+asc"}``` or ```params = %{"s" ⇒ "inserted_at+desc"}```
  - `page` Receive query page number. e.g. ```params = %{"page" ⇒ 1}```
  - `per_page` Receive the number of pages. e.g. ```params = %{"per_page" ⇒ 20}```

* 3 opts: currently receives the following information:
  - `paginate_name`: sets the pagination key value of the returned result
  - `entry_name`: sets the key value of the returned result object
  - `prefix`: table prefix
  - `with_paginate`: whether to include pagination information, default `true`
  - `callback`: callback processing for `queryable`

#### `Turbo.Ecto.turboq(queryable, params, opts)`

Returns an Ecto.Query.t() object

More example pls move: [docs](

## Search Matchers

List of all possible search_types

| Predicate | Description | Note
| ------------- | ------------- | -------- |
| `*_eq`  | equal  | (SQL: `col = 'value'`) |
| `*_not_eq` | not equal | (SQL: `col != 'value'`) |
| `*_lt` | less than | (SQL: `col < 1024`) |
| `*_lteq` | less than or equal | (SQL: `col <= 1024`) |
| `*_gt` | greater than | (SQL: `col > 1024`) |
| `*_gteq` | greater than or equal | greater than or equal. (SQL: `col >= 1024`) |
| `*_is_present` | not null and not empty | Only compatible with string columns. Example: `q[name_present]=1` (SQL: `col is not null AND col != ''`) |
| `*_is_null` | is null true or false | (SQL: `col is null` or `col is not null`) |
| `*_like` | contains value | (SQL: `col LIKE '%value%'`) |
| `*_ilike` | contains any of |  (SQL: `col ILIKE '%value%'`) |
| `*_is_true` | is true or false |  (SQL: `col is true or col is false`) |
| `*_is_not_true`| is true or false| SQL: `col is not true or col is false` |
| `*_is_false`| is true or false| SQL: `col is false`|
| `*_is_not_false`| is true or false|  SQL: `col is not false`|
| `*_is_null`| is null| SQL: `col is nil`|
| `*_is_not_null`| is not null| | SQL: `col is not nil`|
| `*_in` | match any values in array |  e.g. `q[name_in][]=Alice&q[name_in][]=Bob` (SQL: `name in ('Alice', 'Bob')`)|
| `*_not_in`| not continas| SQL: `col not in ('Alice', 'Bob')`|  
| `*_start_with`| start with values| (SQL: `col LIKE '%value'`) |
| `*_not_start_with`| not start with values| (SQL: `col not LIKE '%value'`)|
| `*_end_with`| end with values| (SQL: `col LIKE 'value%'`)|
| `*_not_end_with`| not end with values| e.g. `q[name_not_end_with][]=Alice` (SQL: `col not LIKE 'value%'`)|
| `*_between`| begin < between < end | e.g. `q[price_between][]=100&q[price_between][]=200` (SQL: `100 <= price and price <= 200`) |

## Contributing

Bug report or pull request are welcome.

### Make a pull request

1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request

Please write unit test with your code if necessary.

## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](

## Credits

* [ecto]( - Very great API.
* [ransack]( - Initial inspiration of this project.
* [rummage_ecto]( - Similar implementation.