# Turbo.HTML

## Table of contents

* [Getting started](#getting-started)
* [Demo](#demo)
* [Credits](#credits)

## Getting started

`Turbo.HTML` is a [Turbo.Ecto]( at Phoenix framework supported.

def deps do
    {:turbo_html, "~> 0.2.1"}

For use with Phoenix.HTML, configure the config/config.exs like the following:

config :turbo_html, Turbo.HTML,
  view_style: :semantic    # default bootstrap.

Two methods are provided:

* `turbo_pagination_links`: for pagination view.
* `turbo_search_input`: for search input.

## Demo

The dummy app shows a simple turbo_ecto example.

Clone the repository.


Change directory

$ cd dummy

Run mix

$ mix deps.get && yarn --cwd=assets

Preparing database

$ mix ecto.setup

Start the Phoenix server

$ ./script/server

Open your browser, and visit `http://localhost:4000`

## Credits

* [scrivener_html]( - Initial inspiration of this project.