# Elixir-Tus

<img alt="Tus logo" src="" width="30%" align="right" />

An implementation of a *[tus](* **server** in Elixir

> **tus** is a protocol based on HTTP for *resumable file uploads*. Resumable
> means that an upload can be interrupted at any moment and can be resumed without
> re-uploading the previous data again. An interruption may happen willingly, if
> the user wants to pause, or by accident in case of an network issue or server
> outage.

It's currently capable of accepting uploads with arbitrary sizes and storing them locally
on disk. Due to its modularization and extensibility, support for any cloud provider
*could* easily be added.

## Features

This library implements the core TUS API v1.0.0 protocol and the following extensions:

- Creation Protocol ( Deferring the upload's length is not possible.
- Termination Protocol (

## Installation

Add this repo to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:tus, "~> 0.1.0"},

## Usage

**1. Add new controller(s)**

defmodule DemoWeb.UploadController do
  use DemoWeb, :controller
  use Tus.Controller

  # start upload optional callback
  def on_begin_upload(file) do
    :ok  # or {:error, reason} to reject the uplaod
  # Completed upload optional callback
  def on_complete_upload(file) do

**2. Add routes for each of your upload controllers**

scope "/files", DemoWeb do
    options "/",          UploadController, :options
    match :head, "/:uid", UploadController, :head
    post "/",             UploadController, :post
    patch "/:uid",        UploadController, :patch
    delete "/:uid",       UploadController, :delete

**3. Add config for each controller (see next section)**

## Config

# List here all of your upload controllers
config :tus, controllers: [DemoWeb.UploadController]

# This is the config for the DemoWeb.UploadController
config :tus, DemoWeb.UploadController,
  storage: Tus.Storage.Local,
  base_path: "priv/static/files/",

  cache: Tus.Cache.Memory,

  # max supported file size, in bytes (default 20 MB)
  max_size: 1024 * 1024 * 20

- `storage`:
  module which handle storage file application
  This library includes only `Tus.Storage.Local` but you can install the
  `tus_storage_s3` hex package to use Amazon S3.

- `cache`:
  module for handling the temporary uploads metadata
  This library comes with `Tus.Cache.Memory`  but you can install the
  `tus_cache_redis` hex package to use a Redis based one.

- `max_size`:
  hard limit on the maximum size an uploaded file can have 

### Options for `Tus.Storage.Local`

- `base_path`:
  where in the filesystem the uploaded files'll be stored