# Twilio Magic Values

Provide elixir apps with simple, pragmatic access to [magic testing values]( for the [Twilio]( API. The module and function names help give you code that is easier to read and is less prone to typos. Automated tests in this project also ensure that you will know if the magic numbers ever change.

## Installation

- Require `twilio_magic_values` in your `mix.exs` deps.

def deps do
    {:twilio_magic_values, "~> 1.0", only: :test}

- This project is only needed for the `test` environment.
- Don't forget to run `mix deps.get`.

## Usage

- You do **NOT** need to include this in mix.exs `applications` or `extra_applications`.
- Use the provided functions to replace hard coded magic phone numbers in your test code.
- See [the docs]( for all available modules and functions.

### Pseudocode examples

#### Instead of testing a call from `+15005550001`

Use: `TwilioMagicValues.Calling.invalid_caller_id/1`

alias TwilioMagicValues.Calling

make_test_call(from: Calling.invalid_caller_id(),
               to: Calling.invalid_recipient(),


#### Instead of testing a purchase for `+15005550000`

Use: `TwilioMagicValues.NumberPurchasing.unavailable_phone_number/1`

alias TwilioMagicValues.NumberPurchasing

buy_test_number(exactly: NumberPurchasing.unavailable_phone_number())


#### Instead of testing sending a message to `+15005550004`

Use: `TwilioMagicValues.Messaging.blacklisted_recipient/1`

alias TwilioMagicValues.Messaging

send_test_message(from: Messaging.valid_sender(),
                  to: Messaging.blacklisted_recipient(),


## Project freshness

- **Latest development:** Nov 21, 2018
- **Tests passed:** Nov 21, 2018

## Versioning

This project is versioned using the [SEMVER 2.0.0 rules](

- **Major** versions (ex: 1.y.z) will be introduced in the event of breaking changes where clients using this project will need to update their code.
- **Minor** versions (ex: x.1.z) will be introduced for new features, such as new magic numbers provided by Twilio.
- **Patch** versions (ex: x.y.1) will be introduced for fixes, documentation and instruction updates, and similar minor, non-breaking changes.

## Resources

- [Project documentation](
- The Twilio docs for [test credentials and magic phone numbers](
- A related [blog post]( by Twilio concerning test credentials and magic phone numbers.

### Other useful Twilio projects written in Elixir

- [ex_twilio](
- [telephonist](
- [ex_twiml](
- Suggestions for this section are welcome. Please open an issue on GitHub.

## Contributing

- Issues and pull requests are welcome on [GitHub](
- Twilio doesn't currently provide magic numbers for other parts of their APIs. If there is something they add new, or a magic number they offer which is otherwise missing from this project, please open an issue or pull request.
- See [``](

## License

GPL v3; See `LICENSE` file.

## Author and Major Contributors

Written by [Scott Swezey](

Made possible by the [fantastic documentation]( and [blog posts]( provided by [Twilio](