# TwiML

Generate complex TwiML responses for Twilio in an elegant Elixir way.

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## Examples

Say 2 things, one after the other:

iex> TwiML.say("Hello") |> TwiML.say("world") |> TwiML.to_xml()

Say something in another voice:

iex> TwiML.say(nil, "Hello", voice: "woman") |> TwiML.to_xml()
  <Say voice="woman">Hello</Say>

Leaving the content empty for a TwiML verb, will create a XML Element that has no body:

iex> TwiML.hangup([]) |> TwiML.to_xml()

You can embed TwiML tags into other tags using the into_<verb> function:

iex> TwiML.say("Lets say this inside the gather")
...> |> TwiML.into_gather(language: "en-US", input: "speech")
...> |> TwiML.to_xml()
  <Gather language="en-US" input="speech">
    <Say>Lets say this inside the gather</Say>

If you have multiple TwiML tags you want to embed, that works too:

iex> TwiML.say("Hi")
...> |> TwiML.say("We cool?")
...> |> TwiML.into_gather(language: "en-US", input: "speech", hints: "yes, no")
...> |> TwiML.to_xml()
  <Gather language="en-US" input="speech" hints="yes, no">
    <Say>We cool?</Say>

It is also possible to just include a few of the preceding tags into the body of another element.
The `1` decides that we want to only put the last element into the Dial element's body:

iex> TwiML.say("Calling Yodel")
...> |> TwiML.number("+1 415-483-0400")
...> |> TwiML.into_dial([], 1)
...> |> TwiML.to_xml()
  <Say>Calling Yodel</Say>
    <Number>+1 415-483-0400</Number>

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## Installation

def deps do
    {:twiml, "~> 0.1.0"}

## License