# Twittex

Twitter client library for Elixir.

It provides support for both OAuth1.0 and OAuth2.0 authentication protocols.

This mean that you can access the Twitter RESTful API either with the
[Application-only authentication](
or with [xAuth]( The latter requires user
credentials to login with.

## Installation

  1. Add twittex to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

        def deps do
          [{:twittex, "~> 0.0.2"}]

  2. Ensure twittex is started before your application:

        def application do
          [applications: [:twittex]]

3. Add your app's `consumer_key` and `consumer_secret` to `config/config.exs`:

        config :twittex,
          consumer_key: "",
          consumer_secret: ""

## Documentation

See the [online documentation]( for more information.

## Usage

    iex> "#myelixirstatus"