# Twittex

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Twitter client library for Elixir.

It provides support for both *OAuth1.0* and *OAuth2.0* authentication protocols.

## Documentation

See the [online documentation]( for more information.

## Installation

Add `:twittex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:twittex, "~> 0.2"}]

Add your app's `consumer_key` and `consumer_secret` to `config/config.exs`:

config :twittex,
  consumer_key: "xxxxxx",
  consumer_secret: "xxxxxx"

## Usage

Returns a collection of relevant Tweets matching `#myelixirstatus`:

iex> "#myelixirstatus"
{:ok, %{...}}

Same a the previous example but returns the last 50 Tweets (instead of 15):

iex> "#myelixirstatus", count: 50
{:ok, %{...}}

Returns a collection of the most recent Tweets and retweets posted by the
authenticating user and the users they follow:

iex> Twittex.Client.home_timeline
{:ok, %{...}}

Returns a stream that consume Tweets from public data flowing through Twitter:

iex> {:ok, stream} = "#myelixirstatus"
{:ok, #Function<51.48026477/2 in Stream.resource/3>}
iex> Enum.each stream, &IO.inspect/1

## Authentication

Twittex supports both *application-only* and *owner-token* authentication

Using *application-only* authentication, your app will be able to, for example:

* Pull user timelines;
* Access friends and followers of any account;
* Access lists resources;
* Search in tweets;
* Retrieve any user information;

And it won’t be able to:

* Post tweets or other resources;
* Connect in Streaming endpoints;
* Search for users;
* Use any geo endpoint;
* Access DMs or account credentials;

In order to access restricted endpoints and features you cannot access with the former method,
you will have to use authenticate with your *owner-token* from [](

To do so, simply add your access token to your application config file:

config :twittex,
  token: "xxxxxx",
  token_secret: "xxxxxx"