# TwspaceDL
Download Twitter Space Audio
## Dependency
- FFmpeg
## Example
Download by space url
space = TwitterSpaceDL.new!(:space_url, "https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1OyJADqBEgDGb")
# download synchronously
# download asynchronously
TwitterSpaceDL.async_download(space, self())
# iex > flush
# {#PID<0.368.0>, %{download_pid: #PID<0.370.0>, space_id: "1OyJADqBEgDGb"}}
# {#PID<0.368.0>, %{space_id: "1OyJADqBEgDGb"}, :ok}
# :ok
Download by space id and display ffmpeg output
space = TwitterSpaceDL.new!(:space_id, "1OyJADqBEgDGb", show_ffmpeg_output: true)
# download synchronously
# download asynchronously
TwitterSpaceDL.async_download(space, self())
# iex > flush
# {#PID<0.368.0>, %{download_pid: #PID<0.370.0>, space_id: "1OyJADqBEgDGb"}}
# {#PID<0.368.0>, %{space_id: "1OyJADqBEgDGb"}, :ok}
# :ok
Download by space id, use custom filename template and save to `download` directory
space = TwitterSpaceDL.new!(:space_id, "1OyJADqBEgDGb",
template: "space-%{title}-%{rest_id}-%{created_at}",
save_dir: "./download")
# download synchronously
# download asynchronously
TwitterSpaceDL.async_download(space, self())
# iex > flush
# {#PID<0.368.0>, %{download_pid: #PID<0.370.0>, space_id: "1OyJADqBEgDGb"}}
# {#PID<0.368.0>, %{space_id: "1OyJADqBEgDGb"}, :ok}
# :ok
Init by username, use custom filename template and use plugin module
space = TwitterSpaceDL.new!(:user, "LaplusDarknesss",
template: "space-%{title}-%{rest_id}",
plugin_module: TwitterSpaceDL.Plugin.CLI)
# you can call this again to download new spaces (if space archive is available)
# download synchronously
# download asynchronously
TwitterSpaceDL.async_download(space, self())
# iex > flush
# {#PID<0.400.0>, %{download_pid: #PID<0.402.0>, username: "LaplusDarknesss"}}
# {#PID<0.400.0>, %{username: "LaplusDarknesss"}, [{"https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1mnGedeXloNKX", :ok}]}
# :ok
### Optional arguments
- **show_ffmpeg_output**: forward FFmpeg output to IO.puts
Default value: `false`
- **save_dir**: set download directory
Default value: `__DIR__`
- **template**: filename template
Default value: `"%{title}"`. Valid keys are:
- `title`.
- `created_at`.
- `ended_at`.
- `rest_id`.
- `started_at`.
- `total_participated`.
- `total_replay_watched`.
- `updated_at`.
- **plugin_module**: name of the plugin module. The module should implement `TwitterSpaceDL.Plugin`
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `twspace_dl` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:twspace_dl, "~> 0.1.1"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/twspace_dl](https://hexdocs.pm/twspace_dl).