# Txbox

![Elixir Bitcoin Tx storage schema](

![MIT License](
![GitHub Workflow Status](

Txbox is a Bitcoin transaction storage schema, based on [TXT]( Txbox lets you store Bitcoin transactions in your application's database with searchable and filterable semantic metadata.

* 100% compatible with TXT, with near identical schema design and API for searching and filtering.
* As Txbox is built on Ecto, you query your own database rather than a containerized HTTP process.
* Create associations with any other data from your app's domain.
* Like TXT, Txbox auto-syncs with the [Miner API]( of your choice, and caches signed responses.
* Unlike TXT, no web UI or HTTP API is exposed. Txbox is purely a database schema with query functions - the rest is up to you.
* Coming soon (™) - Seamlessly import and export from other TXT-compatible platforms.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `txbox` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`.

def deps do
    {:txbox, "~> 0.1"}

Once installed, run the following tasks to generate and run the required database migrations.

mix txbox.gen.migration
mix ecto.migrate

Update your application's configuration, making sure Txbox knows which Repo to use.

# config/config.exs
config :txbox, repo: MyApp.Repo

Finally, add `Txbox` to your application's supervision tree.

children = [
  {Txbox, [
    # Manic miner configuration (required)
    miner: {:taal, headers: [{"token", "MYTOKEN"}]},
    # Number of times to attempt polling the miner (default is 20)
    max_retries: 20,
    # Number of seconds to wait before re-polling the miner (default is 300 - 5 minutes)
    retry_after: 300

Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

## Usage

Once up an running, using Txbox is simple. The `Txbox` modules provides three functions for creating and finding transactions: `set/2`, `get/2`, and `all/2`.

To add a transaction to Txbox, the minimum required is to give a `txid`.

  txid: "6dfccf46359e033053ab1975c1e008ddc98560f591e8ed1c8bd051050992c110"

Once a transaction is added, Txbox automatically syncs with the Miner API of your choice, updating the transaction's status until it is confirmed in a block.

When a channel name is ommitted, transactions are added to the `default_channel/0` (`"txbox"`), but by specifiying a channel name as the first argument, that transaction will be added to that channel. You can provide additional metadata about the transaction, as well as attach the raw transaction binary.

Txbox.set("photos", %{
  txid: "6dfccf46359e033053ab1975c1e008ddc98560f591e8ed1c8bd051050992c110",
  rawtx: <<...>>,
  tags: ["hubble", "universe"],
  meta: %{
    title: "Hubble Ultra-Deep Field"
  data: %{
    bitfs: ""

The transaction can be retrieved by the `txid` too.


As before, omitting the channel scopes the query to the `default_channel/0` (`"txbox"`). Alterntively you can pass the channel name as the first argument, or use `"_"` which is the TXT syntax for global scope.

Txbox.get("_", "6dfccf46359e033053ab1975c1e008ddc98560f591e8ed1c8bd051050992c110")

A list of transactions can be returned using `all/2`. The second parameter must be a `t:map/0` of query parameters to filter and search by.

Txbox.all("photos", %{
  from: 636400,
  tagged: "hubble",
  limit: 5

A full text search can be made by using the `:search` filter parameter.

Txbox.all("_", %{
  search: "hubble deep field"

### Filtering and searching

Txbox adopts the same syntax and query modifiers [used by TXT]( Txbox automatically normalizes the query map, so keys can be specifiied either as atoms or strings. Here are a few examples:

* `:search` - Full text search made on trasactions' tags and meta data
  * `%{search: "hubble deep field"}`
* `:tagged` - Filter transactions by the given tag or tags
  * `%{tagged: "photos"}` - all transactions tagged with "photos"
  * `%{tagged: ["space", "hubble"]}` - all transactions tagged with *both* "space" and "hubble"
  * `%{tagged: "space, hubble"}` - as above, but given as a comma seperated string
* `:from` - The block height from which to filter transactions by
  * `%{from: 636400}` - all transactions from and including block 636400
* `:to` - The block height to which to filter transactions by
  * `%{to: 636800}` - all transactions upto and including block 636800
  * `%{from: 636400, to: 636800}` - all transactions in the range 636400 to 636800
* `:at` - The block height at which to filter transactions by exactly
  * `%{at: 636500}` - all transactions at block 636500
  * `%{at: "null"}` - all transactions without a block height (unconfirmed)
  * `%{at: "!null"}` - all transactions with any block height (confirmed)
* `:order` - The attribute to sort transactions by
  * `%{order: "i"}` - sort by block height in ascending order
  * `%{order: "-i"}` - sort by block height in descending order
  * `%{order: "created_at"}` - sort by insertion time in ascending order
  * `%{order: "-created_at"}` - sort by insertion time in descending order
* `:limit` - The maximum number of transactions to return
* `:offset` - The start offset from which to return transactions (for pagination)

## License

[MIT License](

© Copyright 2020 libitx.