# Txpost

![Receive Bitcoin transactions in your Elixir app](

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Send and receive Bitcoin transactions from your Phoenix or Plug-based Elixir application.

Txpost implements a standard for encoding and decoding Bitcoin transactions and other data in a concise binary format using [CBOR]( A number of modules following the Plug specification can easily be slotted in your Phoenix or Plug-based application's pipeline. An optional Router module is available, allowing you to implement routing logic for different types of transactions from a single endpoint.

* Receive Bitcoin transactions in a concise and efficient binary serialisation format
* Simple and flexible schema for sending Bitcoin data with other data parameters
* Send multiple transactions in a single request, or build streaming applications
* Sign and verify data payloads with ECDSA signatures

### BRFC specifications

Txpost is an implementation of the following BRFC specifications. They describe a standard for serialising Bitcoin transactions and associated parameters, along with arbitrary meta data, in a concise binary format using CBOR:

* BRFC `c9a2975b3d19` - [CBOR Tx Payload specification](
* BRFC `5b82a2ed7b16` - [CBOR Tx Envelope specification](

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `txpost` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`.

def deps do
    {:txpost, "~> 0.1"}

Add `Txpost.Parsers.CBOR` to your endpoint's list of parsers.

plug Plug.Parsers,
  parsers: [

Finally create any routes needed to handle transaction requests and add `Txpost.Plug` to the plug pipeline. For example, adding a route to a Phoenix router:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Router do
  use MyAppWeb, :router

  pipeline :tx_api do
    plug :accepts, ["cbor"]
    plug Txpost.Plug

  scope "/tx" do
    pipe_through :tx_api
    post "/create", MyAppWeb.TxController, :create

For detailed examples, refer to the [full documentation](

## Transaction routing

The example above creates a single route passing all transactions to the same controller. You could create many routes for different transactions but in some applications it may be desirable to advertise a single endpoint to receive different types of transactions, each handled by different controllers. In this case `Txpost.Router` can be used to route transactions to different controllers, using any logic you need.

A tx router is a module that implements the `Txpost.Router.handle_tx/2` callback.

defmodule MyApp.TxRouter do
  use Txpost.Router

  def handle_tx(conn, _params) do
    case get_req_meta(conn) do
      %{"type" => "article"} ->, :create)
      %{"type" => "image"} ->, :create)

For more details, refer to the [full documentation](

## License

Txpost is open source and released under the [Apache-2 License](

© Copyright 2021 Chronos Labs Ltd.