# TypedStructDataFrame

TypedStructDataFrame is a plugin library for the [TypedStruct]( library

## Rationale

Explorer.DataFrames are a powerful way to manipulate large datasets, this library provides a quick and easy way to take these DataFrames and convert them to a type safe struct(s) or vice versa.

Comes installed with Money and Decimal packages to support the Money types and Decimal types. See example below


- [ ] Add support for abstract types to be defined by user of library
- [ ] Add support for latest Explorer.DataFrame version

## Installation

To use TypedStructDataFrame in your project, add this to your Mix dependencies:

  {:typed_struct_data_frame, "~> 0.1.0"}

and then use this by adding this plugin to any TypedStruct


Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at <>.

## Example

  defmodule PersonProfile do
    use TypedStruct

    typedstruct do

        field :name, :string
        field :age, :integer
        field :is_developer, :boolean
        field :score, :decimal
        field :net_worth, Money.Ecto.Amount.Type

  iex> PersonProfile.dtypes()
  [name: :string, age: :integer, is_developer: :boolean, score: :float, net_worth: :float]

  iex> PersonProfile.empty_df()
    Polars[0 x 5]
    name string []
    age integer []
    is_developer boolean []
    score float []
    net_worth float []

  iex > profile = %PersonProfile{name: "Kevin", age: 25, is_developer: true, score: Decimal.from_float(5.0), net_worth:, :USD)}
  iex > df = PersonProfile.to_dataframe(profile)
    Polars[1 x 5]
    age integer [25]
    is_developer boolean [true]
    name string ["Kevin"]
    net_worth float [100.0]
    score float [5.0]

  iex > PersonProfile.from_dataframe(df)
      net_worth: %Money{amount: 10000, currency: :USD},
      is_developer: true,
      age: 25,
      name: "Kevin"