# TypedStructor

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<!-- MODULEDOC -->

`TypedStructor` is a library for defining structs with types effortlessly.
(This library is a rewritten version of [TypedStruct]( because it is no longer actively maintained.)

## Installation

Add `:typed_structor` to the list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:typed_structor, "~> 0.4"}

Add `:typed_structor` to your `.formatter.exs` file

  # import the formatter rules from `:typed_structor`
  import_deps: [..., :typed_structor],
  inputs: [...]

## Usage

### General usage

To define a struct with types, use `TypedStructor`,
and then define fields under the `TypedStructor.typed_structor/2` macro,
using the `TypedStructor.field/3` macro to define each field.

defmodule User do
  # use TypedStructor to import the `typed_structor` macro
  use TypedStructor

  typed_structor do
    # Define each field with the `field` macro.
    field :id, pos_integer()

    # set a default value
    field :name, String.t(), default: "Unknown"

    # enforce a field
    field :age, non_neg_integer(), enforce: true
This is equivalent to:
defmodule User do
  defstruct [:id, :name, :age]

  @type t() :: %__MODULE__{
    id: pos_integer() | nil,
    # Note: The 'name' can not be nil, for it has a default value.
    name: String.t(),
    age: non_neg_integer()
Check `TypedStructor.typed_structor/2` and `TypedStructor.field/3` for more information.

### Options

You can also generate an `opaque` type for the struct,
even changing the type name:

defmodule User do
  use TypedStructor

  typed_structor type_kind: :opaque, type_name: :profile do
    field :id, pos_integer()
    field :name, String.t()
    field :age, non_neg_integer()
This is equivalent to:
defmodule User do
  use TypedStructor

  defstruct [:id, :name, :age]

  @opaque profile() :: %__MODULE__{
    id: pos_integer() | nil,
    name: String.t() | nil,
    age: non_neg_integer() | nil

Type parameters also can be defined:
defmodule User do
  use TypedStructor

  typed_structor do
    parameter :id
    parameter :name

    field :id, id
    field :name, name
    field :age, non_neg_integer()
defmodule User do
  @type t(id, name) :: %__MODULE__{
    id: id | nil,
    name: name | nil,
    age: non_neg_integer() | nil

  defstruct [:id, :name, :age]

If you prefer to define a struct in a submodule, you can use
the `module` option with `TypedStructor`. This allows you to
encapsulate the struct definition within a specific submodule context.

Consider this example:
defmodule User do
  use TypedStructor

  # `%User.Profile{}` is generated
  typed_structor module: Profile do
    field :id, pos_integer()
    field :name, String.t()
    field :age, non_neg_integer()
When defining a struct in a submodule, the `typed_structor` block
functions similarly to a `defmodule` block. Therefore,
the previous example can be alternatively written as:
defmodule User do
  defmodule Profile do
    use TypedStructor

    typed_structor do
      field :id, pos_integer()
      field :name, String.t()
      field :age, non_neg_integer()

Furthermore, the `typed_structor` block allows you to
define functions, derive protocols, and more, just
as you would within a `defmodule` block. Here's a example:
defmodule User do
  use TypedStructor

  typed_structor module: Profile, define_struct: false do
    @derive {Jason.Encoder, only: [:email]}
    field :email, String.t()

    use Ecto.Schema
    @primary_key false

    schema "users" do
      Ecto.Schema.field(:email, :string)

    import Ecto.Changeset

    def changeset(%__MODULE__{} = user, attrs) do
      |> cast(attrs, [:email])
      |> validate_required([:email])
Now, you can interact with these structures:
iex> User.Profile.__struct__()
%User.Profile{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:built, "users">, email: nil}
iex> Jason.encode!(%User.Profile{})
iex> User.Profile.changeset(%User.Profile{}, %{"email" => ""})
  action: nil,
  changes: %{email: ""},
  errors: [],
  data: #User.Profile<>,
  valid?: true
## Documentation

To add a `@typedoc` to the struct type, just add the attribute in the typed_structor block:

typed_structor do
  @typedoc "A typed user"

  field :id, pos_integer()
  field :name, String.t()
  field :age, non_neg_integer()
You can also document submodules this way:

typedstructor module: Profile do
  @moduledoc "A user profile struct"
  @typedoc "A typed user profile"

  field :id, pos_integer()
  field :name, String.t()
  field :age, non_neg_integer()

## Plugins

`TypedStructor` offers a plugin system to enhance functionality.
For details on creating a plugin, refer to the `TypedStructor.Plugin` module.

Here is a example of `Guides.Plugins.Accessible` plugin to define `Access` behavior for the struct.
defmodule User do
  use TypedStructor

  typed_structor do
    plugin Guides.Plugins.Accessible

    field :id, pos_integer()
    field :name, String.t()
    field :age, non_neg_integer()

user = %User{id: 1, name: "Phil", age: 20}
get_in(user, [:name]) # => "Phil"

> #### Plugins guides {: .tip}
> Here are some [Plugin Guides](guides/plugins/
> for creating your own plugins. Please check them out
> and feel free to copy-paste the code.