# Tyyppi    [![Kantox ❤ OSS](❤-kantox_oss-informational.svg)](  ![Test](  ![Dialyzer](

**Library bringing erlang typespecs to runtime.**

Provides on-the-fly type validation, typed structs with upserts validation and more.

## Installation

def deps do
    {:tyyppi, "~> 0.1"}

## Changelog

- **`0.7.0`** — Generators + Collectable + Enumerable + Nested Structs
- **`0.6.0`** — `Tyyppi.Value` for `Struct` + `Jason.Encoder` if `Jason` is presented + bugfixes
- **`0.5.0`** — `Tyyppi.Value` + constructors + `~t||` sigil to produce `Tyyppi` types
- **`0.4.0`** — per-field coercions and validations via `cast_field/1` and `validate_field/1`
- **`0.3.0`** — use `:ets` for type information when the process was not started

## [Documentation](