Tzdata. The [timezone database]( in Elixir.
Extracted from the [Calendar]( library.
As of version 0.5.17 the tz release 2018e
is included in the package.
When a new release is out, it will be automatically downloaded.
The tz release version in use can be verified with the following function:
iex> Tzdata.tzdata_version
## Getting started
Use through the [Calendar]( library
or directly: it is available on hex as `tzdata`.
defp deps do
[ {:tzdata, "~> 0.5.17"}, ]
The Tzdata app must be started. This can be done by adding :tzdata to
the applications list in your mix.exs file. An example:
def application do
[applications: [:logger, :tzdata],
## Data directory and releases
The library uses a file directory to store data. By default this directory
is `priv`. In some cases you might want to use a different directory. For
instance when using releases this is recommended. If so, create the directory and
make sure Elixir can read and write to it. Then use elixir config files like this
to tell Tzdata to use that directory:
config :tzdata, :data_dir, "/etc/elixir_tzdata_data"
Add the `release_ets` directory from `priv` to that directory
containing the `20xxx.ets` file that ships with this library.
For instance with this config: `config :tzdata, :data_dir, "/etc/elixir_tzdata_data"`
an `.ets` file such as `/etc/elixir_tzdata_data/release_ets/2017b.ets` should be present.
## Automatic data updates
By default Tzdata will poll for timezone database updates every day.
In case new data is available, Tzdata will download it and use it.
This feature can be disabled with the following configuration:
config :tzdata, :autoupdate, :disabled
If the autoupdate setting is set to disabled, one has to manually put updated .ets files
in the release_ets sub-dir of the "data_dir" (see the "Data directory and releases" section above).
When IANA releases new versions of the time zone data, this Tzdata library can be used to generate
a new .ets file containing the new data.
## Changes from 0.1.x
The 0.5.1+ versions uses ETS tables and automatically polls the IANA
servers for updated data. When a new version of the timezone database
is available, it is automatically downloaded and used.
For use with [Calendar]( you can still
specify tzdata ~> 0.1.7 in your mix.exs file in case you experience problems
using version ~> 0.5.2.
## Hackney dependency and security
Tzdata depends on Hackney in order to do HTTPS requests to get new updates. This is done because Erlang's built in HTTP client `httpc` does not verify SSL certificates when doing HTTPS requests. Hackney verifies the certificate of IANA when getting new tzdata releases from IANA.
## Documentation
Documentation can be found at
## When new timezone data is released
IANA releases new versions of the [timezone database]( frequently.
For users of Tzdata version 0.5.x+ the new database will automatically
be downloaded, parsed, saved and used in place of the old data.
## License
The tzdata Elixir library is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.
The tz database files (found in the source_data directory) is public domain.