Tzdata. The [timezone database]( in Elixir.
Extracted from the [Calendar]( library.
As of version 0.5.1 the tz release 2015f (from 2015-08-10 18:06:56 -0700)
is included in the package.
When a new release is out, it will be automatically downloaded.
The tz release version in use can be verified with the following function:
iex> Tzdata.tzdata_version
## Getting started
Use through the [Calendar]( library
or directly: it is available on hex as `tzdata`.
defp deps do
[ {:tzdata, "~> 0.5.2"}, ]
The Tzdata app must be started. This can be done by adding :tzdata to
the applications list in your mix.exs file. An example:
def application do
[applications: [:logger, :tzdata],
## Changes from 0.1.x
The 0.5.1+ versions uses ETS tables and automatically polls the IANA
servers for updated data. When a new version of the timezone database
is available, it is automatically downloaded and used.
For use with [Calendar]( you can still
specify tzdata ~> 0.1.7 in your mix.exs file in case you experience problems
using version ~> 0.5.2.
## Documentation
Documentation can be found at
## When new timezone data is released
IANA releases new versions of the [timezone database]( frequently.
For users of Tzdata version 0.5.x+ the new database will automatically
be downloaded, parsed, saved and used in place of the old data.
## License
The tzdata Elixir library is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.
The tz database files (found in the source_data directory) is public domain.