# Udia

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**Universal Dream | Infinite Awareness**

Live site can be found at [](

## Requirements

Please follow all installation instructions found at [](

## Quickstart (Development)

To start your Phoenix server:

  * Install dependencies with `mix deps.get`
  * Create and migrate your database with `mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate`
  * Install Node.js dependencies with `cd assets && npm install`
  * Start Phoenix endpoint with `mix phx.server` or `iex -S mix phx.server`
  * Generate a code analysis report with `mix credo`

Now you can visit [`localhost:4000`](http://localhost:4000) from your browser.

## Testing

To test your phoenix app:

  * Set your mix environment variable to test `export MIX_ENV=test`
  * Install dependencies with `mix deps.get`
  * Create and migrate your database with `mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate`
  * Run your tests with `mix test`
  * Generate a test coverage report with `mix coveralls`
  * Generate a code analysis report with `mix credo`

## Deployment

Ready to run in production? Please [check our deployment guides](

Udia is currently configured to run on Heroku using:

* [heroku-buildpack-elixir](
* [heroku-buildpack-phoenix-static](
* 1.3 Temporary solution [heroku-buildpack-phoenix-static](
    * Until is merged

Within the Procfile, a heroku release will run `POOL_SIZE=2 mix ecto.migrate` every time a successfull deploy to `master` finishes. This will ensure seemless database migrations when deploying code to production.

## Configuration & Environment Variables

Application will work with default settings if using something like [PostgresApp](, however if you need to change the credentials the following enviornment variables are available.

| Environment Variable | Default Value | Description            |
| -------------------- |:-------------:| ----------------------:|
| `POSTGRES_USERNAME`  | `"postgres"`  | PostgreSQL DB Username |
| `POSTGRES_PASSWORD`  | `"postgres"`  | PostgreSQL DB Password |
| `POSTGRES_DEV_DB`    | `"udia_dev"`  | Development DB Name    |
| `POSTGRES_TEST_DB`   | `"udia_test"` | Test DB Name           |
| `POSTGRES_HOSTNAME`  | `"localhost"` | Hostname for DB        |

## License

Udia Software Incorporated (UDIA)

Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Udia Software Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Common Public Attribution License Version 1.0 (CPAL)

Full license text can be found at [LICENSE](LICENSE)