
defmodule Ueberauth.Auth.Info do
  @moduledoc """
  Provides a place within the `Ueberauth.Auth` struct for information about the user.
  alias Ueberauth.Auth.Info

  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          name: binary | nil,
          first_name: binary | nil,
          last_name: binary | nil,
          nickname: binary | nil,
          email: binary | nil,
          location: binary | nil,
          description: binary | nil,
          image: binary | nil,
          phone: binary | nil,
          birthday: binary | nil,
          urls: map

  # The best display name known to the strategy. Usually a concatenation of first and last name, but may also be an arbitrary designator or nickname for some strategies
  defstruct name: nil,
            first_name: nil,
            last_name: nil,
            # The username of an authenticating user (such as your @-name from Twitter or GitHub account name)
            nickname: nil,
            # The e-mail of the authenticating user. Should be provided if at all possible (but some sites such as Twitter do not provide this information)
            email: nil,
            # The general location of the user, usually a city and state.
            location: nil,
            # A short description of the authenticating user.
            description: nil,
            # A URL representing a profile image of the authenticating user. Where possible, should be specified to a square, roughly 50x50 pixel image.
            image: nil,
            #  The telephone number of the authenticating user (no formatting is enforced).
            phone: nil,
            # The birthday of an authenticated user
            birthday: nil,
            #  A map containing key value pairs of an identifier for the website and its URL. For instance, an entry could be "Blog" => ""
            urls: %{}

  def valid?(%Info{name: name}) when is_binary(name), do: true
  def valid?(_), do: false