# Ueberauth Apple
Ueberauth plugin for Apple OAuth / _Sign In with Apple_
## What is this?
[Ueberauth](https://github.com/ueberauth/ueberauth) is an authentication framework for Elixir applications that specializes in [OAuth](https://oauth.net/).
This library is one of many [plugins](https://github.com/ueberauth/ueberauth/wiki/List-of-Strategies) (called Strategies) that allow Ueberauth to integrate with different identity providers.
Specifically, this one implements an OAuth integration with Apple, for their _Sign In with Apple_ service.
## Important Notes
Apple's OAuth implementation is different than you may expect.
Please keep the following in mind:
* There are only two scopes available, `name` and `email`, for retrieving personal information about the user signing in.
Neither scope provides access to any API endpoints; instead they change the data returned during the sign-in process.
* If any scopes are requested during sign-in, the response from Apple **must** be in the form of a form POST request to your application.
Otherwise, a GET request with query parameters will occur.
Accepting POST callbacks require additional setup with Ueberauth that may not be necessary for other providers.
* Because scoped requests must use a form POST request, any cookies that will be read during the callback phase **must** have `SameSite=None` (and, therefore, `Secure`).
Otherwise the browser will block them from being sent along with the POST because it is not a top-level navigation.
* Apple requires a **Primary App ID** (with the _Sign In with Apple_ capability enabled), **Services ID**, and **Private Key** to be set up in their [Apple Developer Console](https://developer.apple.com/account) before integration can occur.
* Apple OAuth Client Secrets are generated from a Private Key and have a maximum lifetime of six months.
* Users may choose not to share their information with your application, in which case an anonymized private relay email address will be supplied during the callback phase.
* Apple does not supply the user's name in callback responses after the first time.
## Quick Start
For detailed instructions, see [Getting Started](guides/getting-started.md).
1. Set up a Services ID and download a Private Key in the [Apple Developer Console](https://developer.apple.com/account).
See [Getting Started](guides/getting-started.md) or the [official documentation](https://developer.apple.com/sign-in-with-apple/get-started/) for more information
2. Add `:ueberauth_apple` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs` and run `mix deps.get`:
def deps do
# ...
{:ueberauth, "~> 0.10"},
{:ueberauth_apple, "~> 0.6.1"}
3. Add this library as a new provider for Ueberauth (see [Getting Started](guides/getting-started.md#provider-configuration) for more information on the available options):
config :ueberauth, Ueberauth,
providers: [
# Default configuration: does not retrieve name or email address during sign-in.
apple: {Ueberauth.Strategy.Apple, []}
# Alternative configuration: retrieve name and email during sign-in.
apple: {Ueberauth.Strategy.Apple, callback_methods: ["POST"], default_scope: "name email"}
4. Configure the provider (see [Getting Started](guides/getting-started.md#oauth-configuration) for more information on generating client secrets):
config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Apple.OAuth,
client_id: System.get_env("APPLE_CLIENT_ID"),
client_secret: {MyApp.Apple, :client_secret}
5. Create a Client Secret generator function.
(Apple's Client Secrets are generated from a Private Key and have a maximum life of six months.)
6. Integrate Ueberauth with the rest of your application (usually: router and controller).
See [Getting Started](guides/getting-started.md#plug-integration) or the [Ueberauth Example](https://github.com/ueberauth/ueberauth_example) application.
## Usage
Making a request to `/auth/apple` will redirect to the Apple sign-in page with the relevant query parameters.
You can include a `scope` query param to configure the scopes at runtime: `/auth/apple?scope=name%20email`.
The default scopes can also be configured in the provider definition.
To guard against client-side request modification, it's important to still check the domain in `info.urls[:website]` within the `Ueberauth.Auth` struct if you want to limit sign-in to a specific domain.
## Acknowledgments
Thank you to [Loop Social](https://github.com/loopsocial/) for the original implementation of this library.
Thank you to [CodeSandbox](https://github.com/codesandbox/) for updates and maintenance of this library.
## License
Please see [LICENSE](LICENSE) for licensing details.