# UeberauthFusion

Fusion OAuth2 strategy for Überauth

## Installation

1. Setup fusion auth. More detail can be found in the [Fusion Auth documentation page][1]: 

1. Add `:ueberauth_fusion` to you list of dependencies in `mix.exs`
    def deps do
        {:ueberauth_fusion, "~> 0.9.0"}

1. Add fusion to your Überauth configuration: 
    config :ueberauth, Ueberauth,
      providers: [
        fusion: {Ueberauth.Strategy.Fusion, []},

1. Configure provider Strategy
    You have to configure client_id, client_secret, and fusion_url. The rest of the fields are build using the fusion_url field.
    config :ueberauth, Ueberauth.Strategy.Fusion.OAuth,
      # Mandatory Fields
      client_id:      System.get_env("FUSION_APP_ID"),
      client_secret:  System.get_env("FUSION_APP_SECRET"),
      fusion_url:     System.get_env("FUSION_URL"),
      # Optional Fields - If not provided they build using fusion_url
      redirect_url:   System.get_env("FUSION_REDIRECT_URL"),
      sign_out_url:   System.get_env("FUSION_SIGNOUT_URL"),
      authorize_url:  System.get_env("FUSION_AUTH_URL")
      token_url:      System.get_env("FUSION_AUTH_TOKEN"),
      userinfo_url:   System.get_env("FUSION_USERINFO_URL"),
      jwk_set_url:    System.get_env("FUSION_JWK_URL"),
      token_method:   System.get_env("FUSION_TOKEN_METHOD")
1. When the user log out from the system, you have to redirect the user to fusion auth logout url. Otherwise, the session in fusion authentication system will remain active.

For an example implementation see the [Überauth Example][3] application.

## License

Please see [LICENSE][2] for licensing details.
