# UeberauthToken [![Build Status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![Hex docs](]( [![Hex Version](]( [![License](](

## Description

UeberauthToken is a library which helps validate an oauth2 token received by the resource
server. The token should be validated against the authorization server and an ueberauth struct

## Features

- Helper function to validate the oauth2 token in a request to a resource server
- Plug to validate the oauth2 token in a request to a resource server
- Cache the ueberauth struct response using the excellent `whitfin/cachex` library.
- Perform asynchronyous validity checks for each token key in the cache.

## Prerequisites

- Definition of a provider module which implements the following callbacks

@callback get_payload(token :: String.t(), opts :: list()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, map()}
@callback valid_token?(token :: String.t(), opts :: list) :: boolean()
@callback get_uid(conn :: Conn.t()) :: any()
@callback get_credentials(conn :: Conn.t()) :: Credentials.t()
@callback get_info(conn :: Conn.t()) :: Info.t()
@callback get_extra(conn :: Conn.t()) :: Extra.t()
@callback get_ttl(conn :: Conn.t()) :: integer()

## Basic Usage

#### 1. By adding a plug in a plug pipeline

pipeline :api do
  plug :accepts, ["json"]
  plug UeberauthToken.Plug, provider: UeberauthToken.TestProvider

The output from the pipeline should be in one of the two forms as follows:

# Failed validation
Plug.Conn{assigns: %{ueberauth_failure: %Ueberauth.Failure{}}}

# Successful validation
Plug.Conn{assigns: %{ueberauth_auth: %Ueberauth.Auth{}}}

#### 2. By calling `UeberauthToken.token_auth/3`

UeberauthToken.token_auth("a2b62c2a-74de-417a-9038-deaf6a98c6c0", UeberauthToken.TestProvider, [])

The output from the pipeline should be in one of the two forms as follows:

# Failed validation

# Successful validation
## Installation

#### Add package as a dependency

The [ueberauth_token package]( can be installed
by adding `ueberauth_token` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:ueberauth_token, "~> 0.1.0"}

#### Define an adapter module

See `UeberauthToken.TestProvider` as an example approach to writing an adapter.

#### Add the configuration to `config/config.exs`

config :ueberauth_token, UeberauthToken.Config,
  providers: [SomeProvider]

config :ueberauth_token, SomeProvider,
  use_cache: false,
  cache_name: :ueberauth_token_some_provider,
  background_checks: false,
  background_frequency: 600,
  background_worker_log_level: :warn
*Note:* The configuration also supports [confex]( style configurations.

## Tests

MIX_ENV=test mix test
## Authors

- Stephen Moloney (*[Stephen Moloney](*)

## License

MIT License.
See []( for further details.
