# Erlang common utils
Library contains several modules.
## ulitos
| Function | Description |
| `timestamp/0` | Return current system time in milliseconds (**Note**: use `os:system_time(:secs)` in >= 18.0)|
| `flush_box/0` | Flush current process's mailbox |
| `random_string/1` | Return _simply_ (not-safe, uniform) random string as list |
| `to_hex/1` | Convert string to hexadecimal representation |
## ulitos_file
| Function | Description |
| `recursively_list_dir/1, 2` | Return list of all files and directories within directory (including subdirectories); optional boolean argument specifies wherether list only files (not directories) |
| `recursively_del_dir/1` | Delete directory with all files and subdirectories |
| `dir_traversal/2,3` | Traverse through directory from top to bottom and execute function on each path. Fun must have be of a form `fun(Path::string(), Acc:list()) -> list()`. |
## ulitos_app
| Function | Description |
| `ensure_started/1` | Tries to start all specified applications |
| `ensure_loaded/1` | Tries to load all specified modules |
| `stop_apps/1` | Stop all specified applications |
| `reload/1` | Reload application and all its modules |
| `reload_modules/1` | Reload specified modules |
| `get_var/2,3` | _Safe_ `application:get_env/2` with default value |
| `load_config/1,2,3` | Load enviromnent vars for application. Looks for config file in app's priv dir by default. |