# Umwelt ![Umwelt CI]( [![wakatime](](
Client for [](

## Implemented actions:

### Dump

Extracts Umwelt from Elixir project and dumps it into `root_name.bin`

## Installation

[available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `umwelt` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:umwelt, "~> 0.1"}

## Usage

Right now it is a proof of concept, and in this version parser can parse some business-logic related code, via `mix dump`.

In common case, when you want to parse your project and it's name from `Mix.Project.config()[:app]` matches root folder name `lib/root_name`, use:
  mix dump

When you wanna parse another folder in lib, `lib/another_root_name`, use:
  mix dump another_root_name

## Planned
Here is the list of planned features:

### Client functions
Set of push/pull/sync mix tasks to sync local code with remote representation on [](

### Unparser
Tools for update local code with changes made on web side.