# Umwelt ![Umwelt CI]( [![wakatime](](
Client for [](

## Installation

[available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `umwelt` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:umwelt, "~> 0.1"}

## Usage

### Dump

Extracts Umwelt from Elixir project and dumps it into `root_name.bin`

In common case, when you want to parse your project and it's name from `Mix.Project.config()[:app]` matches root folder name `lib/root_name`, use:
  mix umwelt.dump

When you wanna parse another folder in lib, `lib/another_root_name`, use:
  mix umwelt.dump another_root_name

### Clone

Fetch and write all modules from specified phase.
Make sure that your project name and umwelt name didn't match to avoid file corruption.

When your project is ready, you can get its code and specs.
Create a new elixir or phoenix app, add umwelt and pull the code.
  mix new project_name
  cd project_name
add umwelt to deps in `mix.exs`.

You have to obtain a token on [profile page]( 
  export UMWELT_TOKEN="your_token"
  mix umwelt.clone phase_id
  mix test --trace
And now you will see all messages for failing tests and can start coding.

If you want to reduce logger add this to your `config.exs`
    config :logger,
      compile_time_purge_matching: [
        [application: :umwelt, level_lower_than: :warning]

## Planned
Here is the list of planned features:

### Client functions
Set of pull/push/sync mix tasks to sync local code with remote representation on [](

### Unparser
Tools for update local code with changes made on web side.