# unchained
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gleam add unchained
import unchained
pub fn main() {
let tool =
name: "format",
description: "Format the translation",
function: fn(x) { Ok(string.uppercase(x)) },
let config =
base_url: "localhost:11434",
model: "llama3.2:3b",
temperature: 0.0,
let chain =
|> unchained.add_prompt_template(
"Translate this to {{ language }}: {{ input }}
Just reply with the translation, do not include any explanation. Make sure to format the answer first.
Here is the list of tools available to use:
{{#each tools}}
Function Name: {{name}}
Function Description: {{description}}
To use too call it with:
Tool Selected: <tool name>
["language", "input"],
[unchained.ToolSelector(fn(_) { Some("") }, tool)],
|> should.be_ok()
|> unchained.set_variable("language", "French")
|> unchained.add_llm(config)
|> unchained.add_tool(tool)
// Run the chain
unchained.run(config, chain, "lost bread")
|> should.be_ok()
|> should.equal("PAIN PERDU")
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/unchained>.
## Development
gleam run # Run the project
gleam test # Run the tests