# UnkeyElixirSdk
[Unkey.dev](https://unkey.dev) Elixir SDK for interacting with the platform programatically.
## Installation
The package can be installed from Hex PM by adding `unkey_elixir_sdk` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
> Note: This project uses Elixir version `1.13`.
def deps do
{:unkey_elixir_sdk, "~> 0.2.0"}
## Start the GenServer
In order to start this package we can either start it under a supervision tree (most common).
The GenServer takes a map with two properties.
- token: Your [Unkey](https://unkey.dev) Access token used to make requests. You can create one [here](https://unkey.dev/app/keys) **required**
- base_url: The base URL endpoint you will be hitting i.e. `https://api.unkey.dev/v1/keys` (optional).
children = [
{UnkeyElixirSdk, %{token: "yourunkeyapitoken"}}
# Now we start the supervisor with the children and a strategy
{:ok, pid} = Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)
# After started, we can query the supervisor for information
#=> %{active: 1, specs: 1, supervisors: 0, workers: 1}
You can also call the `start_link` function instead.
{:ok, _pid} = UnkeyElixirSdk.start_link(%{token: "yourunkeyapitoken", base_url: "https://api.unkey.dev/v1/keys"})
## Breaking Changes
### Version 0.2.0
**Change**: The ` revoke_key` function has been renamed to `delete_key`.
The delete_key function now performs the same operation as `revoke_key`.
Update your code to replace calls to `revoke_key`with`delete_key`.
## Functions
### create_key
> @spec create_key(map) :: map()
Creates an API key for your users. It takes a map with at least one property `apiId`. Full list of properties can be found below or in the [docs](https://docs.unkey.dev/api-reference/keys/create)
Returns a map with the `key` and `keyId`.
UnkeyElixirSdk.create_key(%{"apiId" => "myapiid"})
# returns
%{"keyId" => "key_cm9vdCBvZiBnb29kXa", "key" => "xyz_AS5HDkXXPot2MMoPHD8jnL"}
"apiId" => "myapiid",
"prefix" => "xyz",
"byteLength" => 16,
"ownerId" => "glamboyosa",
"meta" => %{
"hello" => "world"
"expires" => 1_686_941_966_471,
"ratelimit" => %{
"type" => "fast",
"limit" => 10,
"refillRate" => 1,
"refillInterval" => 1000
"remaining" => 5
# returns
%{"keyId" => "key_cm9vdCBvZiBnb29kXa", "key" => "xyz_AS5HDkXXPot2MMoPHD8jnL"}
### verify_key
> @spec verify_key(binary) :: map()
Verify a key from your users. You only need to send the api key from your user. Optionally, pass in a second param, a map with the key `apiId` which sends the `apiId` along.
Returns a map with whether the key is valid or not. Optionally sends `ownerId` and `meta`.
# returns
%{"valid" => true,
"ownerId" => "chronark",
"meta" => %{
"hello" => "world"
UnkeyElixirSdk.verify_key("xyz_AS5HDkXXPot2MMoPHD8jnL", %{"apiId"=> "api_AS455efrefsfsf"})
# returns
%{"valid" => true,
"ownerId" => "chronark",
"meta" => %{
"hello" => "world"
### update_key
> @spec update_key(binary(), map()) :: :ok
> Updates the configuration of a key
Takes in a `key_id` argument and a map whose members are optional
but must have at most 1 member present.
"name" => "my_new_key",
"ownerId" => "still_glamboyosa",
"meta" => %{
"hello" => "world"
"expires" => 1_686_941_966_471,
"ratelimit" => %{
"type" => "fast",
"limit" => 15,
"refillRate" => 2,
"refillInterval" => 500
"remaining" => 3
Returns :ok
UnkeyElixirSdk.update_key("key_cm9vdCBvZiBnb29kXa", %{
"name" => "my_new_key",
"ratelimit" => %{
"type" => "fast",
"limit" => 15,
"refillRate" => 2,
"refillInterval" => 500
"remaining" => 3
### update_remaining
> @spec update_remaining(map()) :: :ok
Updates the `remaining` value for a specified key.
Takes in a map of the shape:
"keyId": "key_123",
"op": "increment",
"value": 1
Where "op" is "increment" | "decrement" | "set"
and value is the value you want to increase by or nil (unlimited)
Returns a map with the updated "remaining" value.
"keyId": "key_123",
"op": "increment",
"value": 1
%{remaining: 100}
### delete_key
> @spec delete_key(binary) :: :ok
Delete an api key for your users
Returns `:ok`
# returns
Documentation can be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/unkey_elixir_sdk](https://hexdocs.pm/unkey_elixir_sdk).
## References
- [Unkey.dev documentation](https://unkey.dev/docss)