# Unplug
[](http://hex.pm/packages/unplug) [](https://travis-ci.org/akoutmos/unplug) [](https://coveralls.io/github/akoutmos/unplug?branch=master)
Unplug is an Elixir library that you can use to conditionally execute your plug modules at
run-time in your Phoenix/Plug applications.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `:unplug` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:unplug, "~> 0.1.1"}
After adding `:unplug` to your list of dependency, open up your `config/dev.exs` config file and
add the following:
config :unplug, :init_mode, :runtime
This will make it so that your plug `init/1` functions are not compiled for a quicker development
experience and is in line with Phoenix and Plug conventions.
With those in place, you are all set and ready to use Unplug
## Usage
Unplug can be used anywhere you would typically use the `plug` macro. For example, let's say you want
to skip the `Plug.Telemetry` plug for certain routes (to cut down on noise in your logs for example).
To do so, you would replace the following:
plug Plug.Telemetry
with the following:
plug Unplug,
if: {Unplug.Predicates.RequestPathNotIn, ["/metrics", "/healthcheck"]},
do: {Plug.Telemetry, event_prefix: [:phoenix, :endpoint]}
or with the following if no configuration is required of `Plug.Telemetry`:
plug Unplug,
if: {Unplug.Predicates.RequestPathNotIn, ["/metrics", "/healthcheck"]},
do: Plug.Telemetry
Let's break this down a bit so we can understand what is going on. `Unplug` takes a `KeywordList` of options
that specifies how it will evaluate the request.
The `:if` entry can be:
- A tuple with the first element being the predicate module and the second element being the options to send to
the predicate (a predicate is a module that implements the `Unplug.Predicate` behavior).
- A module that implements the `Unplug.Predicate` behavior. Without any predicate options being specified, an
empty list is sent as the second argument to the predicate's `call/2` function.
- An anonymous function of arity one. That one argument being the `conn` for the current request.
The `:do` entry can be:
- A tuple where the first element is the plug module that you want to execute upon a truthy value from the
predicate, and the second element being options that you want to send to that plug.
- A plug module that you want to execute upon a truthy value from the predicate. Without any options specified,
Unplug will assume that an empty list should be sent to the plug's `init/1` function.
- An anonymous function that takes one argument, with that argument being the current request's `conn`. This
function must also return a `Plug.Conn` struct.
There is also an `:else` entry that can be provided to `Unplug`. The `:else` entry is identical to the `:do` entry
in terms of what it accepts as valid input. The `:else` entry is what is execute if the `:if` entry yields a falsey
value for the current request.
Another example to show off the anonymous function and `:else` functionality could be something like this:
plug Unplug,
if: fn conn -> conn.remote_ip == {10, 0, 0, 1} end,
do: plug MyCoolApp.MetricsExporter,
else: fn conn ->
Logger.warn("Someone is trying to steal my metrics!")
If the above example, we only want to expose our Prometheus metrics if the request is coming from a known safe source
(as a side note there are better ways to secure your metrics...don't use this in production).
## Provided Predicates
Unplug provides the following predicates out of the box:
| Predicate | Description |
| ------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `Unplug.Predicates.AppConfigEquals` | Given an application and a key, execute the plug if the configured value matches the expected value |
| `Unplug.Predicates.AppConfigNotEquals` | Given an application and a key, do not execute the plug if the configured value matches the expected value |
| `Unplug.Predicates.EnvVarEquals` | Given an environment variable, execute the plug if the configured value matches the expected value |
| `Unplug.Predicates.EnvVarNotEquals` | Given an environment variable, do not execute the plug if the configured value matches the expected value |
| `Unplug.Predicates.RequestHeaderEquals` | Given a request header, execute the plug if the request value matches the expected value |
| `Unplug.Predicates.RequestHeaderNotEquals` | Given a request header, do not execute the plug if the request value matches the expected value |
| `Unplug.Predicates.RequestPathEquals` | Given a request path, execute the plug if the request value matches the expected value |
| `Unplug.Predicates.RequestPathNotEquals` | Given a request path, do not execute the plug if the request value matches the expected value |
| `Unplug.Predicates.RequestPathIn` | Given a request path, execute the plug if the request value is in the the provided list of values |
| `Unplug.Predicates.RequestPathNotIn` | Given a request path, do not execute the plug if the request value is in the the provided list of values |
## Writing Your Own Predicates
To write your own Unplug predicate, all you have to do is implement the `Unplug.Predicate` behavior and provide
a `call/2` function that will return a boolean value.
For example, if we wanted to have a plug conditionally execute only when the request method equals a certain value,
we could create the following predicate module:
defmodule MyApp.UnplugPredicates.MethodEquals do
@behaviour Unplug.Predicate
@impl true
def call(%Plug.Conn{method: req_method}, opt_method), do: req_method == opt_method
and use it like so:
plug Unplug,
if: {MyApp.UnplugPredicates.MethodEquals, "DELETE"},
do: MyApp.MyPlugs.DeleteAuditLoggerPlug