# Upvest Elixir

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Elixir library for the Upvest API.

In order to retrieve your API credentials for using this Go client, you'll need to [sign up with Upvest](

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `upvest` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:upvest, "~> 0.1.0"}

Alternatively, you can install the library by a particular commit reference:

``` elixir
def deps do
    {:upvest, git: "", ref: "commit ref here"}

## Usage

Where possible, the services available on the client groups the API into logical chunks and correspond to the structure of the [Upvest API documentation](

All tenancy related operations must be authenticated using the API Keys Authentication, whereas all actions on a user's behalf need to be authenticated via OAuth. The API calls are built along with those two authentication objects.

All API calls return either `{:ok, response}` or `{:error, error}`, and where possible succesful response are transformed into Elixir structs mapped to the corresponding Upvest API resource.

### Tenancy API - API Keys Authentication

The Upvest API uses the notion of _tenants_, which represent customers that build their platform upon the Upvest API. The end-users of the tenant (i.e. your customers), are referred to as _clients_. A tenant is able to manage their users directly and is also able to initiate actions on the user's behalf (create wallets, send transactions).

alias Upvest.Client
alias Upvest.Authentication.KeyAuth
alias Upvest.Tenancy.User

keyauth = %KeyAuth{
    api_key: your_api_key,
    api_secret: your_api_secret,

client =

# create a user
with {:ok, user} <- User.create(client, username, password) do
    # do something with new user created
    {:error, error} ->
    # handle the error

# list users
{:ok, users} = User.list(client)

# retrieve 200 users
{:ok, users} = User.list_n(client, 200)

# change password
{:ok, user} = User.change_password(client, username, current_password, new_password)

### Clientele API - OAuth Authentication
The authentication via OAuth allows you to perform operations on behalf of your user.
For more information on the OAuth concept, please refer to our [documentation](
Again, please retrieve your client credentials from the [Upvest account management](

Next, create a `Client` with your Upvest OAuth  in order to authenticate your API calls on behalf of a user:

alias Upvest.Client
alias Upvest.Authentication.OAuth
alias Upvest.Clientele.Wallet

oauth = %OAuth{
  client_id: client_id,
  client_secret: client_secret,
  username: your_users_username,
  password: your_users_password

# If you already have a client created with a key auth
# you can create a new oauth client from that by changing the auth param
client = %{client | auth: oauth}

# alternatively, client =

with {:ok, wallet} <- Wallet.create(client, user_password, asset_id) do
  # handle new wallet created
  {:error, error} ->
    # handle error

## Error handling

In case there is an error, the response is {:error, error} where error is one of:

* Upvest.APIConnectionError
* Upvest.AuthenticationError
* Upvest.InvalidRequestError
* Upvest.PermissionError
* Upvest.APIError

For example, using already taken username will return the error:

``` elixir
   code: 409,
   details: [
       "domain" => "clientele",
       "location" => "username",
       "locationType" => "parameter",
       "message" => "Duplicate Value",
       "reason" => "duplicateValue"
   message: "User with given username exists already",
   type: "api_error"

## Building docs

$ MIX_ENV=docs mix docs

## Running tests

Clone the repo and fetch its dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd upvest-elixir
$ mix do deps.get, compile
$ mix test
## Development

1. Code must be nicely formatted: `mix format`
2. All types, structs and funcs should be documented.
3. Ensure that `mix test` succeeds.
4. Set up config settings via environment variables, ideally in a .env file you can source:

    # Set your tenancy API key information here.
    export API_KEY=xxxx
    export API_SECRET=xxxx
    export API_PASSPHRASE=xxxx

    # Set your OAuth2 client information here.
    export OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=xxxx
    export OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET=xxxx

## Test

Run all tests:

    mix test

Run a single test:

    mix test test/wallet_test.exs

## More

For a comprehensive reference, check out the [Upvest documentation](

For details on all the functionality in this library, see the [HexDocs documentation](