# UserManager

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**A module for managing Users with Authentication and Authorization**

This module is a collection of GenStage work-flows for managing Users and User Accounts.

## Installation

This is currently not deployed in hex

def deps do
  [{:user_manager, git: ""}]

## Api Usage

* Create User

UserManager.UserManagerApi.create_user(name, password, email)

* Authenticate User

UserManager.UserManagerApi.authenticate_user(name, password, source \\ :browser)

* Identify User


* Authorize User

UserManager.UserManagerApi.authorize_claims(token, permission_list, require_all \\ true) 

## Scope

* Agnostic user management for 'any' system needing user management. (phoenix, games)
* Management of user authentication, authorization.
* Management of application user metadata.
* Integration of 3rd party authentication providers

## Documentation

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](

## Blog