# Valid


A validation library for [Gleam](

API Docs: <>.

This library follows the principle [Parse don't validate](

## Install

gleam add valid

## Usage

You start with an input type and validate into an output type. These two types can be different. For example:

type UserInput { UserInput(name: Option(String), age: Int) }

type ValidUser { ValidUser(name: String, age: Int) }

Then you create a validator like:

import valid.{type ValidatorResult}

fn user_validator(user: UserInput) -> ValidatorResult(ValidUser, String) {
  |> valid.validate(, valid.is_some("Please provide a name"))
  |> valid.validate(user.age, valid.int_min(13, "Must be at least 13 years old"))

And run it:

case user_valid(input) {
  Ok(valid_user) -> ...
  Error(tuple(first_error, all_errors)) -> ...

## Error type

Errors can be your own type e.g.

import valid.{type ValidatorResult}

type Error {

fn user_valid(user: UserInput) -> ValidatorResult(ValidUser, String) {
  |> valid.validate(, valid.is_some(ErrorEmptyName))
  |> valid.validate(user.age, valid.int_min(13, ErrorTooYoung))

## ValidatorResult

`ValidatorResult(valid, error)` is an alias for `Result(valid, tuple(error, List(error)))`

The `Ok` branch has the valid output.

The `Error` branch has a tuple `tuple(error, List(error))`.
The first value is the first error. The second value is a list with all errors (including the first).

## Validators

See the [API Docs]( for the list of included valids.

## Custom property validator

A property validator has two components:

- The error to return
- A function that transforms the property if successful (`fn(input) -> Option(output)`)


import gleam/option.{None, Option, Some}
import valid

fn bigger_than_10(num: Int) -> Option(num) {
  case num > 10 {
    True ->
    False ->

let custom = valid.custom("Must be bigger than 10", bigger_than_10)

let valid = fn(form: FormInput) {
  |> valid.validate(form.quantity, custom)

## Examples

See [the tests]( for many examples