# validated

Easily accumulate errors in Gleam!

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import gleam/string
import validated.{type Validated, Valid}
import validated as v

pub opaque type Form {
  Form(email: String, age: Int)

pub fn valid_form(email: String, age: Int) -> Result(Form, List(String)) {
  do_valid_form(email, age) |> v.to_result

fn do_valid_form(email: String, age: Int) -> Validated(Form, String) {
  use email <- v.try(validate_email(email))
  use age <- v.try(validate_age(age))
  Valid(Form(email:, age:))

fn validate_email(email: String) -> Validated(String, String) {
  case string.contains(email, "@") {
    True -> Ok(email)
    False -> Error("email addresses must include '@'")
  |> v.string

fn validate_age(age: Int) -> Validated(Int, String) {
  case age >= 18 {
    True -> Ok(age)
    False -> Error("you must be 18 or older")

pub fn main() {
  let assert Ok(Form("", 18)) =
    valid_form("", 18)

  let assert Error(["email addresses must include '@'"]) =
    valid_form("lucy", 18)

  let assert Error([
    "email addresses must include '@'",
    "you must be 18 or older",
  ]) = valid_form("lucy", 1)

Further documentation can be found at <>.

## Development

gleam run   # Run the project
gleam test  # Run the tests