# validated
Easily accumulate errors in Gleam!
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import gleam/dict.{type Dict}
import validated.{type Validated, Invalid, Valid} as v
pub opaque type Config {
Config(html: String, manifest: Dict(String, String), hash: String)
pub fn new(
html_filepath: String,
manifest_filepath: String,
) -> Validated(Config, String) {
use html <- v.do(read_file(html_filepath) |> v.string)
use data <- v.lazy_guard(read_file(manifest_filepath) |> v.string, empty)
use manifest <- v.do(parse_manifest(data) |> v.dict)
Valid(Config(html, manifest, hash(data)))
pub fn main() {
let assert Valid(_) = new("exists.html", "exists.json")
let assert Invalid(_, ["file not found", "file_not found"]) =
new("not_there.html", "not_there.json")
let assert Invalid(_, ["file not found", "failed to parse manifest"]) =
new("not_there.html", "malformed.json")
fn empty() -> Config {
Config("", dict.new(), "")
fn read_file(filepath: String) -> Result(String, String) { todo }
fn parse_manifest(data: String) -> Result(Dict(String, String), String) { todo }
fn hash(data: String) -> String { todo }
Further documentation can be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/validated>.
## Development
gleam run # Run the project
gleam test # Run the tests