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> **Easy. Simple. Powerful. 💪**
> Elixir Validation library with +25 fully tested rules. *(+30 coming up soon!)*
> ⚠️⚠️ ️ Library under development! [Roadmap: upcoming new rules](#roadmap-30-coming-up-soon). ⚠️⚠️

# Demo

# alias Validation, as: V

# valid data will return true"")

# invalid data will return false
V.language_code("qq") # could be something like "en", "pt" or "de"
V.vowel("bcdf")       # could be something like "aeiou"
V.yes("nope")         # could be something like "yes", "yeah", "yeap"
V.is_odd(2)           # could be something like 3 or 5... 

## Install

To use Elixir Validation, please add to your `mix.exs` and run `mix deps.get`:

def deps do
    {:validation, "~> 0.0.1-dev"}

Compatibility: Elixir 1.6+ 

## Documentation

To more information, please access the [full documention](

## Rules

##### +25 fully tested rules such as:

- [Email](
- [CreditCard (Visa, Master, other)](
- [CNPJ]( / [CPF](
- [CountryCode]( / [SubdivisionCode](
- [Vowel]( / [Consonants](
- [MacAddress](
- *... and many, many more [right here!](*

## Roadmap: +30 coming up soon!

*Barcode, Iban, WordCount, Contains, Bic, CurrencySymbol, Isbn, Issn, Domain, Extension, Factor, Fibonacci, Finite, HexRgbColor, IdentityCard, Imei, Infinite, Ip, KeyNested, StartsWith, EndsWith, Length, Min, Max, NfeAccessKey, NoWhitespace, NotBlank, NotEmpty, Numeric, PerfectSquare, Pesel, Phone, PostalCode (us, uk, br...), PrimeNumber, Punct, Roman, Size, Slug, Space, Url, Version*

# Contribution

[Check out the list of awesome contributors.](

- *Do you want a new validation rule?* Feel free to contribute by forking the project and making a pull request.
- *Did you find a bug?* Please report on [issues]( proving high level of detail. Additionally, providing a failing test would help solve the issue.

# Inspiration

We highly appreciate ❤️ the [Respect\Validation]( project. Elixir Validation was **completely** based upon this incredible project. Kudos for all contributors. We can't thank you enough.

## License

[MIT License]( – [Matheus Gontijo](