# Valvex

### Valvex is a simple wrapper around the Steam ReST API written in Elixir!

#### Check the [documentation]( for the full API reference.

## Installation
First include `Valvex` in your `mix.exs`.

{:valvex, "~> 0.3.0"}

And make sure that it's initialized before your application:

[extra_applications: :valvex, ...]

## Usage
Remember to set your the token Steam gives you on your `config.exs`.

config :valvex, token: "your-token"

Or export the variable name as: `export STEAM_TOKEN="your-token"`.

Then put it on your Supervision tree or something:

iex> Valvex.start_link() # If you set the variable before.

iex> Valvex.start_link("your-token") # Pass it directly if you didn't set it before.

Now start doing your stuff.

### TODO:

1. There's a module that I didn't complete because I honestly didn't understand it and I didn't want to have it half complete, I just didn't even start it.

[This one]( If you're kind and would like to do it I would have absolutely no problem.

2. Add support for IEconService endpoints.