# :lock: Vaultex


A very simple elixir client that authenticates and reads secrets from HashiCorp's Vault. As listed on [Vault Libraries](

## Installation

The package can be installed as:

  1. Add vaultex to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
  [{:vaultex, "~> 0.3"}]
  2. Ensure vaultex is started before your application:

def application do
  [applications: [:vaultex]]
## Configuration

You can configure your vault endpoint with a single environment variable:


Or a single application variable:

* `:vaultex, :vault_addr`

An example value for `VAULT_ADDR` is ``.

Alternatively the vault endpoint can be specified with environment variables:


Or application variables:

* `:vaultex, :host`
* `:vaultex, :port`
* `:vaultex, :scheme`

These default to `localhost`, `8200`, `http` respectively.

## Usage

To read a secret you must provide the path to the secret and the authentication backend and credentials you will use to login. See the [Vaultex.Client.auth/2]( docs for supported auth backends.

iex> Vaultex.Client.auth(:app_id, {app_id, user_id})

iex> Vaultex.Client.auth(:userpass, {username, password})

iex> Vaultex.Client.auth(:github, {github_token})

iex> "secret/bar", :github, {github_token} #returns {:ok, %{"value" => bar"}}

iex> Vaultex.Client.write "secret/foo", %{"value" => "bar"}, :app_id, {app_id, user_id}
