# ![Vela]( Vela    [![Kantox ❤ OSS](❤-kantox_oss-informational.svg)](  ![Test](  ![Dialyzer](

**The tiny library to ease handling expiring invalidated cached series**

## Installation

def deps do
    {:vela, "~> 0.12"}

## Changelog

- **`0.13.0`** — `state/1` and `update_state/2` to keep some additional date alongside with `Vela`
- **`0.12.0`** — `threshold` does not depend on the band anymore
- **`0.11.0`** — `__meta__` might be now used to overwrite compiled in serie settings
- **`0.9.5`** — early return the value provided by existing comparison function in `equal?/2`
- **`0.9.3`** — allow `:atom` and `{GenServer, :on_start}` as type definition
- **`0.9.0`** — allow a precise type definition of each serie via `type: type()` keyword parameter
  a series keyword parameter
- **`0.8.0`** — allow a `corrector/2` callback to allow correction of rejected values as
  a series keyword parameter
- **`0.7.2`** — `Vela.put/3`
- **`0.7.0`** — exact type and behaviour for those using `Vela`
- **`0.6.3`** — fix `threshold` to use `compare_by/1` for cumbersome values
- **`0.6.1`** — use `threshold` to prevent adding outliers to series
- **`0.6.0`** — `Vela.δ/2` / `` returning a keyword `[{serie, {min, max}}]`

## [Documentation](